We hit 1500 members!!!!!!

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Everyone take off your clothes!!!!! :-)
Cause you were naked yesterday and I lost a dollar?

M.A.R.K. said:
Your a day late and a dollar short..

Gabe said:
Everyone take off your clothes!!!!! :-)
Man did this ever get off track. I was psyched for the milestone. Oh well...I'm gonna go get naked.
This is a time for Celebration!


Well, we all know I'll be the first to drop trow!

Gabe said:
Everyone take off your clothes!!!!! :-)
I reconsider my participation promptly when i'm told I can't call someone that's clearly acting like a douchbag a douchbag...Free speach people

h3 said:
M.A.R.K. said:
I said nothing about forum moderation(or heavy-handed moderation), please do not put words in my mouth.
H3: Here we go again with the implication that heavy-handed moderation is killing the forum.
Can you give a specific example of something you're scared about?
I'm not getting the distinction between "forum for cyclists" and "forum for cycling related topics."
If it were the latter would there be a category called "General Discussion (non-bike-related?)

Can you give a specific example of something you're scared of?
I think it more likely people tune in and see people calling other users "douchebag" and reconsider their participation promptly. Easy to point fingers elsewhere . . .
Free peechs too!

alex said:
I reconsider my participation promptly when i'm told I can't call someone that's clearly acting like a douchbag a douchbag...Free speach people

h3 said:
M.A.R.K. said:
I said nothing about forum moderation(or heavy-handed moderation), please do not put words in my mouth.
H3: Here we go again with the implication that heavy-handed moderation is killing the forum.
Can you give a specific example of something you're scared about?
I'm not getting the distinction between "forum for cyclists" and "forum for cycling related topics."
If it were the latter would there be a category called "General Discussion (non-bike-related?)

Can you give a specific example of something you're scared of?
I think it more likely people tune in and see people calling other users "douchebag" and reconsider their participation promptly. Easy to point fingers elsewhere . . .
Ammo, please do, these guys need something to cheer about, not jeer about!

Ammo said:
Well, we all know I'll be the first to drop trow!

Gabe said:
Everyone take off your clothes!!!!! :-)
See ya at naked ride Ammo! ;-)

Ammo said:
Well, we all know I'll be the first to drop trow!

Gabe said:
Everyone take off your clothes!!!!! :-)


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