Hello Chainlink;

It seems this forum is primarily used by SS and fixie crowd. I'm looking for trail riders, off-roaders, Mt. bikers and such to get some good off-road riding in.

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go to cambr.org, Chicago area Mountain bikers.
So this group is just for street riders?

nik was here said:
go to cambr.org, Chicago area Mountain bikers.
What? How do you get the impression that it's mostly fixed/SS riders here?
no, not just for street riders, but you passed judgment on the community here, so I gave you a link to a more off road centered forum, which i'm sure the chainlinkers interested in offroad frequent.
you said this forum is used by fixie and SSers. you said you were looking for trail riders, I linked you to the most dense internet gathering of them in the area. I did what i thought would get you along on your search faster.

why don't you join the trail rider group here on the chainlink?
Nik, seriously, chill out.

You are so freaking oversensitive that your tan lines are showing.

Jesus. ...Its not about you.

Dude just asked a question... You're a focking walking Seinfield sitcom.....

HE asked a fair and honest question....Its nothing to pop your bra strap about.

nik was here said:
no, not just for street riders, but you passed judgment on the community here, so I gave you a link to a more off road centered forum.
you said this forum is used by fixie and SSers. you said you were looking for trail riders, I linked you to the most dense internet gathering of them in the area. I did what i thought would get you along on your search faster.
jesus christ to you and Blue Baron both.

why don't you join the trail rider group here on the chainlink?
I answered a question with a sufficient amount of words to get my point across so as to not force anyone to assume incorrectly what I meant. As for the last part, I had edited that out as I myself found it to be tasteless, my apologies that you had to see it.
fair honest questions, with fair honest answers, i don't see the problem. If there were a forum out there with no "fixie riding hipster assholes" on it, you would want me to point it out to you too.
fair enough ...fair enough..


nice follow up.

you're my kind of bro.

nik was here said:
I answered a question with a sufficient amount of words to get my point across so as to not force anyone to assume incorrectly what I meant. As for the last part, I had edited that out as I myself found it to be tasteless, my apologies that you had to see it.
fair honest questions, with fair honest answers, i don't see the problem. If there were a forum out there with no "fixie riding hipster assholes" on it, you would want me to point it out to you too.
Yeah, bro. *snigger*

I used to do the cambr thing but it was very competitive back then (90's). You should note, I didn't pass "judgement" that would infer that I had something against SS/Fixie riders - untrue. I made a quick observation that a majority of this site is used by the SS/Fixie crowd, and IF that was the case I didn't want to waste anyone's time posting here as that's not what I ride. I will admit to not digging too deeply, so I didn't find the group you mentioned, but I will join it thanks. I said nothing about any "fixie-riding hipster assholes" I'm waayy too zen for that shit. Maybe Ishnock has a point, we should all chill a bit. happy riding.

Christopher said:
So this group is just for street riders?

nik was here said:
go to cambr.org, Chicago area Mountain bikers.
Just took a totally unscientific sample of the 2738 members on the chainlink. Of the first ten members I could get my hands on, three listed "fixed gear" as something they rode.

I wouldn't exactly call that a "majority of this site."

(Four listed "mountain" as something they rode. Maybe you're in the right place after all ;-)
hey Christopher,
sorry, the "fixie forum" comment was in no way directed at you. you would have to read other threads to get the reference. I didn't think you were passing a pretentious judgement. It just made sense that if you noticed a trend of street riders here, that if you were looking for offroaders, i would share that site. any hostility you may have sensed stemmed from unrelated occurrences. i do not think you are a hater. my apologies.

I ride off road, that is my love. I use the cambr.org site a lot, as well as mtbr.com.
I just happen to ride a fixie; for the last five years. i broke my leg on a jump and wanted something to ride after/during rehab ( i was kinda scared of jumping again, so i traded for speed, and to practice balance ). now it is my primary mode of transportation. That is my story.

but really, cambr is the best place to go if you do want info regarding chicago-land based offroading info or rides. they have many different levels of riding these days. and thanks to the expansion of the internet , a larger variety of riders are involved.

I just taco'ed my front wheel, but after Thanksgiving and I get it rebuilt, there is a whole season of winter riding ahead of us if you are ever interested.
Hey Nik;

Yeah, I didn't sense any hostility from your reply, hence my confusion at the others...
I can relate, I've dislocated a hip, knocked out teeth, spraigned both ankes and broken a wrist. I used to ride "road bikes" and switched to off-road in the early 90's. Like you, I ride both and I have 2 bikes, a 2000 S-works FSR for the street and a 2002 Intense Tracer for off-road. Thanks for the tip, I'll re-up with cambr and see what's cookin'. I did sense some hostility from the group during the last event I went to. I know cyclists can be a bit "revolutionary", but hostility seems counter-productive.

Get @ me when you heal, we'll hit Palos..

nik was here said:
hey Christopher,
sorry, the "fixie forum" comment was in no way directed at you. you would have to read other threads to get the reference. I didn't think you were passing a pretentious judgement. It just made sense that if you noticed a trend of street riders here, that if you were looking for offroaders, i would share that site. any hostility you may have sensed stemmed from unrelated occurrences. i do not think you are a hater. my apologies.

I ride off road, that is my love. I use the cambr.org site a lot, as well as mtbr.com.
I just happen to ride a fixie; for the last five years. i broke my leg on a jump and wanted something to ride after/during rehab ( i was kinda scared of jumping again, so i traded for speed, and to practice balance ). now it is my primary mode of transportation. That is my story.

but really, cambr is the best place to go if you do want info regarding chicago-land based offroading info or rides. they have many different levels of riding these days. and thanks to the expansion of the internet , a larger variety of riders are involved.

I just taco'ed my front wheel, but after Thanksgiving and I get it rebuilt, there is a whole season of winter riding ahead of us if you are ever interested.


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