I know there is a thread about this in the "routes" section, but it hasn't been posted on in over a year.

Does anyone here commute on a regular basis to and from Oak Park? For various reasons, my wife and I might start looking to move out there. I've been a year-round(rain, snow and sun) bike commuter for 9+ years, but my average commute has only been 5-6 miles.  I really want biking to work to be an option for as long my body can handle it.

Is it realistic to think I would still  be able to bike to work on a regular basis?

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Tim - there is a Yahoo! group called west suburban commuters (I believe). I don't do Yahoo anymore;

but two co-workers belong to it. Basically they ride in from Oak Park to downtown; taking (mostly) fulton

street. I know they meet at Fulton and Green Streets (just west of Halsted) on the half-hour in the

evenings (not sure of the morning schedule; since I ride in alone from the west side). i.e. some meet at 5:00pm; others at 5:30pm; 6:00 pm etc etc. good group - I recommend looking into it. especially if you

are a little uneasy about commuting through austin alone. I know on the way home they go a bit south

of Fulton around Sacramento (I turn north at Kedzie).  good luck.  and Yes; you can do this commute

daily. it's faster than CTA, etc.

Or you can buy me a beer at Poor Phil's.

Westside commuters is a very active group and meets for the return trip in the evening a lot it seems.

I do the reverse of a lot of their commute going from North and Kedzie to Chicago and Harlem and back every day.  I usually take Agusta or Chicago all the way and they are both OK routes.  I know a lot of the Westside commuter group uses Lake.

If the ride is a bit much for you consider using the train in combination with a bike.

I don't challenge the gods by riding in rainy or snowy Chicago rush hours, but have recently begun commuting from OP to River North, 10 miles each way.  It usually takes me only 5-10 minutes longer than taking the El.  I've been riding in and out of downtown on Washington Blvd for four years and have never been hassled by anyone.  To the South Loop, I would suggest Washington as far as Oakley, then swing south to Jackson.  If you're going as far south as Roosevelt, cut through UIC at Morgan.  It's one of my favorite rides!  Bike paths most of the way.

Thanks to everyone who responded! It's been a busy few weeks, but it looks like we are probably going to end up near Elston and Addison.  Sharing routes is always appreciated though, and I have a few friends in Oak Park that I want to ride out to visit sometime soon!


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