The first day of Spring is March 20th


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Heather Said:
I am saying that women, and women's bodies, are not here for your amusement or pleasure. And I think that imagery such as what appears in this thread reinforces the entrenched cultural valuation of women as sexual objects.

The Problem:
You're arguments thus far have been the worst kind of stereotypical feminist garbage. And your argument above is only true if you let it be true. You can see a beautiful women on a bike in the spring or you can see a commodity that has become devalued by it's very proliferation.
No, not dead! What good are they to us if they're dead? Dead men open no jars.

notoriousDUG said:
They stack better that way.

Gabe said:
Dead bodies?
Wrong. I know nothing about you or how much of a feminist you are or anything else, I am basing my opinions on your posts.

You're over thinking the whole thing, you gave a knee jerk reaction assuming the worst rather then just see something the simple, and innocent, appreciation of the female form.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar if you know what I mean.

Just curious but how do you feel about the picture Shay posted?

heather said:
You are projecting onto me a tired stereotype about feminists (we hate sex and everything else that is fun) rather than listening to what I have said. I do not have a problem with anyone finding anyone else attractive. I am not saying that people who like looking at naked women hate or disrespect women. I am saying that women, and women's bodies, are not here for your amusement or pleasure. And I think that imagery such as what appears in this thread reinforces the entrenched cultural valuation of women as sexual objects.

notoriousDUG said:
It is pretty horrible for people to find women so attractive they discuss it.

Just curious but while you are busy hating fun does it ever occur to you just how ignorant and presumptuous your way of looking at things is? Somebody posts that they are happy spring is coming because they enjoy the nice weather and attractive women wearing less clothing and you immediately assume they are objectifying and disrespecting women.

Why can't it be that they appreciate pretty women but still respect them and have an interest in their brain?

I like pretty girls and am looking forward springtime coming not just for the weather but for the cute girls in spring dresses; am I sexist jerk?

My summer gear; better not find me attractive...
This thread has gone beyond its original usefulness (whatever it may have been). Please continue this conversation off the board.
Geez Louise!....I did not mean to start a wild controversy since I am butt a mere newbie on the Link. No offense was intended. I am in advertising and photography, both photo's came from what I thought were great ads. Perhaps some of us creatives are less sensitive to nudity than others because, well maybe, it is not that big a deal.

Oh and Shay?...Check out the size of that guy's foot, you know what that means!

Are we back on the air ladies and gentleman? Daniel Laruso is gonna fight? Daniel Laruso is gonna fight! ;-)

Bernard it's a great thing. You meant to welcome he new season! Well done! ;-) A debate broke out and that happens. ;-) How else do people learn? ;-)
I think it would be difficult to argue that I could "let" sexual objectification of women be "true" or not. We are all socialized and embedded in social structures that influence, constrain, enable, and shape our dispositions toward and capacities for action. We are all actors in these structures and institutions, and in turn they are shaped by the actions of individuals. Unfortunately, we live in a society which devalues women and commodifies women's bodies. That is not your fault or mine. I am not blaming you as an actor. BUT we do not make our decisions in a vacuum. And I think we should peer through the lens of history and culture when thinking about how the imagery of women's bodies is used. And, I think that you should have the decency to listen and reflect when someone is telling you that your words and assumptions are hurtful and offensive.

Gabe said:
The Problem:
You're arguments thus far have been the worst kind of stereotypical feminist garbage. And your argument above is only true if you let it be true. You can see a beautiful women on a bike in the spring or you can see a commodity that has become devalued by it's very proliferation.
Women become objects in this silly game because they let themselves become objects. Your argument would be better suited for strippers and hookers. Those women say they choose to do what they do as an act of empowerment but usually are addicted to a substance or forced into it by circumstance.

The pics that have been posted thus far haven't crossed any lines as they have tastefully exposed just enough but no so much that it would just be porn.

As for offended I would think the most hurtful think i've said was that you needed to buy a sense of humor. So far still kinda true. And you were offended cause i said post of a pic of what you wear when riding. But I would hpoe you understand now that you misunderstood that all together.
Oooh, yeah. Just like that. Take it off, baby.

Take it ALL OFF!


(I have some bathtub photos taken just prior to that one, but they're definitely NSFW.)
Howard, I wish Ning had "Like!" buttons...
Oh yeah! ;-) Just like that! ;-)

And Howard, I love you! ;-)

Michael Perz said:
Oooh, yeah. Just like that. Take it off, baby.

Take it ALL OFF!



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