The first day of Spring is March 20th


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take it off!

Gabe said:

This is me and my friend Marisa on a summer CM. That's what we wear. ;-)
Shay said:
Admittedly, they were damn hard to find. The world needs more to keep up with all the photos of naked chicks on bikes.), any volunteers, guys?
Rear Guard

Here ya go Michelle. From my first Naked Ride as Security. I'm wearing pants but ya can't tell. And Shay there is nothing wrong with being a feminist unless you are an uptight humorless one which you have proven to not be.
While I hate to start my Chainlink forum relationships out on such a note, I have to agree that Heather brings up some important points. I'm a big fan of nudity and, as it turns out, summer. But, to pretend that there is not a history of womens' bodies used as commodities through imagery and instead just get defensive (as if this in some way was attacking you and your libido) is being naive, to put it nicely. On that note, I also can't wait for everyone to get over themselves and bike naked pretty soon!

...and attacking a women speaking up in a "feminist" way as not having a sense of humor? really? Perhaps, if she purchases a sense of humor, someone else should purchase an original argument.
Hi Kellie and welcome. I wasn't accusing her - i looked at her FB page and saw that she is in feminist groups. ;-) If you would like to take a page from Shay and use the male body feel free. As the post said from jump street - Spring is comin! ;-) I don't think we were debating the history of women's bodies as commodities. If you'd like to start a group. ;-)
I'd like to use a male body as a commodity!
It is pretty horrible for people to find women so attractive they discuss it.

Just curious but while you are busy hating fun does it ever occur to you just how ignorant and presumptuous your way of looking at things is? Somebody posts that they are happy spring is coming because they enjoy the nice weather and attractive women wearing less clothing and you immediately assume they are objectifying and disrespecting women.

Why can't it be that they appreciate pretty women but still respect them and have an interest in their brain?

I like pretty girls and am looking forward springtime coming not just for the weather but for the cute girls in spring dresses; am I sexist jerk?

My summer gear; better not find me attractive...

heather said:
@ Gabe and notoriousDUG: I don't have a problem with anyone finding anyone else attractive, in any state of dress. What I have a problem with is the tone of this thread, "ZOMG it's almost summer that means we get to see T&A!!" As a woman who, like most other women on the planet, does not like being ogled (btw, no Gabe, I'm not going to post a picture of myself) I find that attitude offensive.
Go on RAGBRAI, there is always a lot more male nakedness than female which is kinda sad. I've ridden naked and while I have no problem with anyone ogling my fat white self, I do have a problem with the, ummm, comfort factor and the lack there of.

Shay said:
Shay said:
Admittedly, they were damn hard to find. The world needs more to keep up with all the photos of naked chicks on bikes.), any volunteers, guys?
Perhaps now would be a good time to raise awareness of unfortunate saddle color choices. Prevent this tragedy in your family...

I wish we could set up a trade system... I wonder how many male bodies I'd need to buy a closet's worth of spring dresses?

Shay said:
I'd like to use a male body as a commodity!
Dead bodies?
Craig, I am sold on that idea! But, what's RAGBRAI? Acronyms leave me loopy!

Craig S. said:
Go on RAGBRAI, there is always a lot more male nakedness than female which is kinda sad. I've ridden naked and while I have no problem with anyone ogling my fat white self, I do have a problem with the, ummm, comfort factor and the lack there of.

Shay said:
Shay said:
Admittedly, they were damn hard to find. The world needs more to keep up with all the photos of naked chicks on bikes.), any volunteers, guys?


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