The first day of Spring is March 20th


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What's the joke?

Gabe said:
Oh Heather. Buy a sense of humor. ;-)
If you had one perhaps it would let you cope with things that aren't agreeable to you.

And to address the specific comment you don't have to look like anything to ride a bike. But if you were to say that there isn't a beautiful body in that pic then you would be lieing.

Post a pic of what you wear in summer. Let's celebrate some warm weather.
Oh good lord; how dare any of us filthy, filthy men continue to disrespect women by finding them attractive!

I have some horrible news for you, people generally find at least one of the sexes attractive and enjoy looking at them in states of complete or partial undress and, amazingly, there is nothing wrong with this.

heather said:
God, I can't wait until the season when we can view women as sexual objects arrives!! Winter is so lame, with all that prudish clothing and whatnot.

Also, ladies, take note: It's very important to look like this when riding a bike. Must be sexually accessible at all times!
I've been commuting in Chicago winters for nigh on 20 years; some years more so than others. This is the first winter I've not ridden outside at all and quite honestly I do not miss riding in the cold, the snow, the ice, the crap.

My fluid trainer and I, while we have a working relationship currently, are now on non-speaking terms.

Nice thread, c'mon spring and summer!
@ Gabe and notoriousDUG: I don't have a problem with anyone finding anyone else attractive, in any state of dress. What I have a problem with is the tone of this thread, "ZOMG it's almost summer that means we get to see T&A!!" As a woman who, like most other women on the planet, does not like being ogled (btw, no Gabe, I'm not going to post a picture of myself) I find that attitude offensive.
Of course you find it offensive. You don't have a sense of humor.

I said post of pic of what YOU WEAR in the summer! Not, get naked and post a pic. So I'll go back to my OG post for ya Heather: BUY A SENSE OF HUMOR.
Aug CCM 2008

This is me and my friend Marisa on a summer CM. That's what we wear. ;-)
In the future, I will try to remember that when a creepy douchebag is leering at me, the appropriate response is laughter.

Gabe said:
Of course you find it offensive. You don't have a sense of humor.
WoW, humor takes many forms. I would use sarcasm in the case of the leering perv. Much like i would use in the case of the uptight feminist.

Now I feel better about this thread. A bit more balanced. ;-)
Amen Shay! ;-)
Let's not bring the "f" word into this! I'm a feminist. I have a great sense of humor, and I like looking at photos of naked guys on bikes. :) (Admittedly, they were damn hard to find. The world needs more to keep up with all the photos of naked chicks on bikes.)


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