The first day of Spring is March 20th


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Yep, that terrible scratching irritated feeling after you've been riding all day on a saddle... Friend of yours ?
Ok, well, you let us know how it feels to wear a thong on March 20th. (Actually - don't let us know.)

There's no way it's going to actually be warm in 3 weeks. It may be spring by the earth's tilt, but I doubt we'll be outside in shorts and t-shirts.

Let me know when summer starts (Maybe it will be warm outside by then if a bit soggy still) .
Unfortunately, what saddens me is the realization that the world is more concerned about nudity and sexuality than images of violence. Im sure the moderators are slightly upset, you know, because of the children. I know some might see this photo and believe this image will warp the fragile little minds of other humans, yet an image of zombies eating the brains of a hooker is "just fine".

How awesome would it be if assholes in cars flashed their breasteses or mooned us, thong and all, instead of yelling some lame ass hate laced obscenity to make sure we understand what losers we are.

*This message was brought to you by the letter "A" for alcohol. Much of which was ingested due to peer pressure by the fine folks of the f-ing bike club ride.
You mean like the guy that just yelled loser at us on the FBC tonight? ;-) Very original! ;-)
Gabe said:
You mean like the guy that just yelled loser at us on the FBC tonight? ;-) Very original! ;-)

Um.........Maybe :)
Maybe instead of Happy Friday? Butt shot Fridays?
Even Better, Flash Me Friday's


Ron said:
Maybe instead of Happy Friday? Butt shot Fridays?
This is the best discussion I've seen yet in my short tenure on The Chainlink. Well done!
We must include the Brooks ad from '06 eh?

God, I can't wait until the season when we can view women as sexual objects arrives!! Winter is so lame, with all that prudish clothing and whatnot.

Also, ladies, take note: It's very important to look like this when riding a bike. Must be sexually accessible at all times!
I'm very tired of 30 degrees, cloudy, and everything damp/muddy. This was my first winter that I biked all winter long, but... Man, I could go for a 75 degree day, iced coffee, and clear bike path.
Oh Heather. Buy a sense of humor. ;-)


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