I heard that the Northerly Island path was taped off today. Anyone hear anything about this? Is it just the beach entrance or can we still get on via the parking lot entrance? I imagine this has to do with the planned expansion of the Charter One Pavilion...

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Parking fee may be included in the ticket price, but they will still charge for parking on the day of

Anyone know the current status on Northerly Island? Is it accessible/cycle-able yet or still under construction?

I was out there two weeks ago and the southern half of the island was still blocked off for construction, and the northern half was ridable, as it was last year.

JM 6.5 said:

Anyone know the current status on Northerly Island? Is it accessible/cycle-able yet or still under construction?

I was just fishing near there yesterday. Still big earth movers, no planting going on, no where even close to being done. I'm not sure if it was the long winter or the usual gov't inefficiency that put it so far behind. I emailed the project head at USACE last fall and she answered, but I think she is ducking me now.

Gene Tenner said:

I was out there two weeks ago and the southern half of the island was still blocked off for construction, and the northern half was ridable, as it was last year.

The northern half has always been open, but there is no loop of any decent size to ride around, just a small one.

Thanks guys. Sad face. I miss detouring off LFP to ride the island and enjoy a brief respite away from the city sounds.


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