North Shore University Mistreating My Grandmother (Not Bike Related)

Posted this to my tumblr. Sharing it with anyone that can read.


Mad has hell!


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Unreal.  How hard is it to just let her get well and come back when ready?  After 17 years you think she'd have earned that at least.  I don't get it.
No class over there. None.

That is horrible that they did that to her. Awful and heartbreaking. 17 years and nothing but a kick in the  @ss?  What cold hearted jerks - I do believe spreading this to media outlets would be a good thing to do, it may or may not make you both feel better, but maybe Northshore will see what they did was pretty horrible for a place that supposedly cares and will get some backlash for it. 


Your grandmother looks so sweet and adorable, too. I am so sorry to hear that she is being treated this way.

She is sweet and she is tough but everyone should be allowed to heal and i guess north shore doesn't think so. i've sent it to some media outlets and you can feel free to share as well. :-)
I find it ironic that she works for a hospital, but they are firing her for being sick.  WTF?
She is being treated at a Northshore Hospital as well. :-) Big wtf?!?
Doesn't Family Medical Leave Act kick in in situations like this to prevent one from losing their job do to illness? This sucks, sorry to hear it dude.
As a part timer FMLA does not apply. Appears immoral but not illegal.
It is incredible that this sort of thing happens in "developed" countries. There is no replacement for experience and dedication. My best wishes to you and your family.


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