Holy cow - has it been a year since I made the 2012 thread?! Indeed, it has!

Based on the calendar event, it looks like a good amount of people have RSVPd to ride. Even if you haven't, and were looking for some people to ride with, post in this thread.

Which distance will you be riding? And, at which pace are you planning to ride?

I'll be riding the classic century @ a somewhat comfortable pace. After starting this cycling season well, my conditioning is questionable as I have only been on the bike a handful of times since June. Yikes. I'm looking for some people who might want to ride between 13-15 mph average.

The forecast is shaping up to look like it's going to be a great day for riding! I'm sure people remember the weirdo weather last year - much cooler. I remember waking up and heading out @ 5:15AM and it being 39 degrees!

Who's in?

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Wendi Kromash said:

It was a lovely ride with super support and very organized, especially once I got the hang of finding the orange street guides.

Now that you know where to look for the little pointers, you can attempt other distances on your own. <wink>

I turn 60 in late November. I'm thinking an unsupported NSC metric century would be a good "ride your age" ride, assuming the ground isn't covered with snow so that I can't see the markers.

Careful, Wendi.  Riding long distances is like a drug. You start with a little and before you know it you have decided that doing RAGBRAI or riding from Cairo to Capetown is a good idea. :-)
Wendi Kromash said:

I rode the NSC yesterday and completed the 25 mile ride, first time biking that distance in quite a while and first time participating in this event. It was a lovely ride with super support and very organized, especially once I got the hang of finding the orange street guides.  Thank you to all who helped make the NSC terrific!

Isn't that the truth! I did my first ride with my SO to Promontory Point earlier this summer (30mi round trip), then 4star 62mi, then yesterday's century, now eyeing RAGBRAI :)

Lisa Curcio 6.5 mi said:

Careful, Wendi.  Riding long distances is like a drug. You start with a little and before you know it you have decided that doing RAGBRAI or riding from Cairo to Capetown is a good idea. :-)
Wendi Kromash said:

I rode the NSC yesterday and completed the 25 mile ride, first time biking that distance in quite a while and first time participating in this event. It was a lovely ride with super support and very organized, especially once I got the hang of finding the orange street guides.  Thank you to all who helped make the NSC terrific!

Definitely the pickles.

MikeF said:

I rode the 100 mile route and had my best century ever. This could be due to any combination of the following. The weather, beautiful. The bike ride, well organized. The route, fantastic. The company I kept while riding, nice. The PICKLES, maybe? Had to be all of the above.
Well done EBC


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