Is it too early to start getting jazzed about the North Shore Century? Nah, I don't think so. I'm a lot more fit than I have been in years past so I'm looking to step up my speed a bit. Not planning on even attempting a sub-5 century, but I want to keep a good pace - somewhere in the roughly 18mph average range. Might be a bit slower at times, might be a bit faster. I'll be looking for other folks interested in a brisk but not blistering pace. If you're interested, chime in. We'll plan on meeting somewhere obvious at Dawes Park on The Day, and we'll saddle up and hit the trail early (something I've not managed to do the last two years).

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That sounds great for me--it'll be my first Century and that's a little faster than I'm hoping to finish, but count me in and I'll stick with the group as long as I can.  I'll check back here for details...


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