I live in Bucktown (very near the Armitage Metra stop), and want to get to one of the trail heads for the North Branch Trail, to go cycling-- but need to use public transit. Suggestions?? Most direct route to best trail head?? Prettiest part is up north, I would bet. So, what are the trailheads up north and how do I get there?

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I opine that the easiest way would be to rock the Ashland bus up to Devon and just bike it 10-20 mins west to the trail. Or, jump on a Devon bus going west. The whole trail is only a 26 mile out and back, so starting at the south end is cool. Watch for deer. I see one in the woods almost every time I ride the NBT.
Start of the trail is at Devon/Milwaukee next to SuperDawg. Get off Metra at Forest Glen I think. I live 1 block away from the trail @ Willow Rd. If I go into the city and plan to end up at Western Ave, I take the trail. If I plan to end up along the lake I take the Greenbay. If you want to ride all the way to Winnetka from where you live it should take 1hr 15 min at reasonable pace. Let us know when you are up we might join you. OK
Metra is every two hours on weekends and won't be letting bikes on for the next two weekends.

Blue line to Jefferson Park, then Milwaukee north the trailhead by bike is pretty painless.

Or just get on Elston in Bucktown and ride the whole way (Elston eventually merges with Milwaukee).
You want to start up north? OK. Assuming that by Armitage Metra stop you mean the Clybourn Metra stop (which is at Armitage), get on the Union Pacific North train to Winnetka. Take Tower road west to Forest Way. Pick up the North Branch Trail there and head north. You are on the east side of the lagoon at this point. At the very north end, cross over Dundee Rd. and visit the Botanic Gardens. On your return, immediately after crossing Dundee, go right and ride the west side of the lagoon. Cross Tower and stay on the path, going right (i.e., not east on Tower). Ride the trail to Superdawg (Milwaukee and Devon). Have a Superdawg. If you feel up to it, ride Elston or Milwaukee home. Otherwise, put your bike on the Milwaukee bus.
When I rode this last summer I recall ending up at Lake-Cook Road after having rode through the Botanical Gardens. Ride east on Lake-Cook and in a few miles you'll hit the Braeside Metra Station in Highland Park. Where you can catch a train back to the city. Just note that a few trains don't stop at Clybourn, check the schedule first. Of course once your at Braeside you'll have hit another bicycle path which runs more or less continuously from Wilmette to Wisconsin.


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