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And that still leaves your back wheel vulnerable (frame to rack) and if you put the rear wheel which WILL allow you to lock wheel and frame to rack leaving the easier to remove front wheel unless you remove that. The moral to the story is carry 2 locks and take your seat off. 

Tricolor said:

If all you carry is a U lock you can't secure a bike very well.  Unless you take off the front wheel and lock it like someone in New York circa 1983 (first time I remember seeing that particular locking style).

I look like someone in New York circa 1983.  To me, taking the front wheel off is no big deal, even though I lock it with two U locks.

So True; and with 2 U-locks

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

In a place with a parking shortage parking like like that is a jerk move, but I can see why the owner did it. Putting the frame over the rack bike the bike in back with a red tire is very difficult to do on like bike with a tight frame clearance and absolutely destroys the paint on the underside of the downtube. That is a terrible rack style except in places where a cable lock is considered security. The ends are really the only good places to park and lock up on that style of rack.


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