I received a call from a woman who's daughter is classmates with a high school student named Dion Harris who apparently was killed while riding his bike last Sunday, somewhere near Kolin and Wrightwood.

I have very limited time today so would appreciate whatever information people can find.

I won't have time to follow up with her until late tonight.  She inquired about a Ghost Bike and I asked if she could run it by the family (the service is apparently today.)

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Is this the info? If so... it's a bit further south:



Just sent a post to the Ghost Bike list too.


ROS route currently visits ghost bikes at points A & C on this map - http://bit.ly/iF39OS

This ghost bike would be near point B, I think - based on info in the article.

Gut turning. Thank you for being a resource to the grieving families and friends.  What info do you need right now? Here are some links.






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