Hello everyone! I just moved back home after a stint of college down at UIUC. And im new to Chicago's bike scene I have a few questions. I ride a 56cm Origin8. Love it. But being 6ft7 and about 270lbs I feel like I need something bigger. Any suggestions? And whats the best place to get quick tuneups around Logan Sq/Wicker Park? Thanks!

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Welcome back Lloyd.

Not sure how close it is to you, but Rapid Transit Cycle Shop at 1900 W. North Ave. does good work and could recommend a bigger steed for you.

Also, the Chicago Bike Shop Database will help you find more bike shops close by.

Welcome back! I have no personal advice on buying a big bike since I have quite opposite your problem (4 foot 10).

But...If you want to be custom fit or at least get some advice there, Anne has helped fit cyclists on both ends of the spectrum. She is at Running Away Multisport on Clybourn.

AKA Paul is way over 6 foot and he has a few bikes.  (and if you need a dog walker in the lakeview - edgewater area he does it all by bike!)

Well I dont know if I need a bigger bike. Some dude told me I should look into one. My origin8 is comfortable to me. Ride it every day to merch mart and back from irving park. I think I do need some adjustments though.

Welcome back! I really like Roscoe Village Bikes. Not in Logan Square, but not terribly far either (Damen/Roscoe).

you're almost a foot taller than me (5'11" and inseam of 86cm) and yet we're riding the same size. unless you have an odd inseam/body dimensions, I'd guess your bike fit is off. there's only so much adjustment to be made with a stem, seatpost, and saddle setback. you say you're comfortable now, but I'd wager you'd be even more comfortable in the 62cm+ range. maybe try the competitive cyclist fit calc to get a rough idea, but bike fit isnt an online thing. head to a good shop instead. 

To fit you well, you'd probably be looking at a 66cm+ frame. Something more like this: http://chicago.craigslist.org/nwc/bik/4007717821.html

Hard to find frames that big, but when you do I think you can sometimes get a good deal - not much of a market there. 

Logan Square and Wicker Park aren't a contiguous area. Smart Bike Parts on Armitage, Bike Lane on Milwaukee, Boulevard Bikes on Kedzie, all good choices in Logan.

If you want, Lloyd, you can test ride two of my 62cm bikes to see if it is something that is better fitting for you. I am 6 foot 4. I live in Logan Square.
I would love that!


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