I can't get my new road bike trainer tire onto the rim. It was hard enough getting one side on (used my level and finally got it to give), then squeezing the tube into there, now trying to get the other side in is damn near impossible. Can we list some tips to squeezing these stubborn rubber things into place?


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I've always inflated my tube a bit when putting a new tire in since that helps to avoid getting the tube caught between the rim and tire bead.. If you are having problems I find starting and finishing at the valve stem makes things a little easier. If you try that and tire levers, it may help. What are your rim and tire measurements? Your tire might be a bit wider than usual and if your rim is a bit narrower, that might be the problem.
I usually try working both sides of the tire toward the gap, leaving levers in each side (hopefully you have more than one tire lever). Then, when I've gotten the levers as close as I can to one another, I use the third in the middle to pull the center over the edge of the rim. With a little patience, and a lot of sweat, it usually gives. Just be careful not to pinch the tube (inflate it a little, just enough for it to hold its shape).
If the tire is a conti folder, they usually ship tight. I hang 'em overnight with a 5# wight @ the bottom. That's how a lot of people stretch tubies.

Also, start @ the stem, as the rim is usu a little thicker 180 from the stem, due to the weld.

Also, wine helps, preferably of same country of origin as da rim. My 4 seasons took a bottle of cheap zin.
Please be aware that tires marked as, say, 26" x 1.25" and 26" x 1-1/4" are not the same diameter. It doesn't make any sense I know, but this could be your problem. Always consult Sheldon Brown -- see:
Happy spinning!


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