Completely aquiver with anticipation.

No mention of who's going to play the mayor.

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If del Valle was the machine candidate he WOULD be elected.   It's his own fault for not being part of the corrupt Chicago machine that has picked Rahm.  how can you fight an "organization" that can put their on man in the Whitehouse?

Sol said:
If devalle was elected mayor, we know it is hollywood fantasy.
It has been my impression the corrupt Chicago machine has picked Chico, not Rahm, for Mayor, and Rahm has been the independently-funded, Washington outsider who is kicking their ass anyway.

James Baum said:
... part of the corrupt Chicago machine that has picked Rahm.

I watched about 10 minutes, I observed "wow it is really clean and bright and sunny under the L tracks" and "what the heck kind of accent is that? where are they supposed to be?"


I recorded the rest, maybe i'll watch it.

Yeah, my take has been that Chico is the traditional machine candidate (ended up with both police and fire union endorsements and Burke supports him), but it's hard to paint Rahm as a real "outsider."  Besides Braun, the rest of the candidates are pretty tied into the old-guard system--as are most democrat candidates originating from Cook County (or at least those who have been previously elected as either a judge or political official/appointee under Daley and Burke's watch).  Hard to get anywhere in this city unless you're tied to that system to a certain degree--unless you can ride a wave of backlash like Waugspack (sp?) did when he was elected alderman. 


Regarding the show, Jennifer Beals (the Superintendent) is actually from the southside of Chicago so the accent she's using is likely her real voice unless she is hamming it up a bit.    

mindfrieze said:

It has been my impression the corrupt Chicago machine has picked Chico, not Rahm, for Mayor, and Rahm has been the independently-funded, Washington outsider who is kicking their ass anyway.

James Baum said:
... part of the corrupt Chicago machine that has picked Rahm.

Rahm is not a "Machine" candidate by any means, that is Chico.  Rahm has name recognition and while I didn't like him as my congressman at all, he was successful in his various roles.  


I'm all for anyone who Madigan and Burke are against.  


CMB as mayor?  The thought just made me spit up the malbec I was drinking all over my keyboard.

ad said:

Yeah, my take has been that Chico is the traditional machine candidate (ended up with both police and fire union endorsements and Burke supports him), but it's hard to paint Rahm as a real "outsider."  Besides Braun, the rest of the candidates are pretty tied into the old-guard system--as are most democrat candidates originating from Cook County (or at least those who have been previously elected as either a judge or political official/appointee under Daley and Burke's watch).  Hard to get anywhere in this city unless you're tied to that system to a certain degree--unless you can ride a wave of backlash like Waugspack (sp?) did when he was elected alderman. 


Regarding the show, Jennifer Beals (the Superintendent) is actually from the southside of Chicago so the accent she's using is likely her real voice unless she is hamming it up a bit.    

mindfrieze said:

It has been my impression the corrupt Chicago machine has picked Chico, not Rahm, for Mayor, and Rahm has been the independently-funded, Washington outsider who is kicking their ass anyway.

James Baum said:
... part of the corrupt Chicago machine that has picked Rahm.


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