I noticed it on my way to the Rockwell's last night. On a freshly-paved block of Levitt, just north of Clybourn, instead of familiar humps, there were pairs of deep wedge-shaped grooves across the street (spaced few feet apart).

Not sure how effective that thing might be in slowing down (or "calming") traffic, but it probably would give a car a quite noticeable jolt. It did to me on my bike, for sure.

Is is something that is going to replace all the old good humps?

Anyone else seen those?

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Those might be preparations for a speed hump at that spot? I've seen something similar to what you describe only to find a speed hump get installed there shortly thereafter. The digging/tearing up crew is often out of sync with the installation/resurfacing crew.

Oy it takes them at least a month to work on it? I've got the same grooves on my block of Wellington. They've been there for about two weeks so far, with no crew in sight to finish it. Ours are mid-block, but since it's a shaded one-way, you don't see the grooves until you're right in front of them. I've heard a lot of bikes flying over at a pretty good pace, but haven't seen any wipeouts yet. I think 311 is a good idea. It shouldn't take a month to put in a speed bump.


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