Launched Friday.  Some of you have encountered Seth and crew out registering bikes at Pitchfork and other events.

Quick summary: a national registry aimed at creating a comprehensive database of bicycles, with the ultimate intent of making life harder for thieves.

Send Bike Index some love!

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Will this be a free-registration list or yet another of the many for-pay registration sites?

He's looking to find other revenue sources in order to have registration free for the user (after pretty consistent feedback that bike owners probably aren't going to be terribly motivated to pay.)

I thought it was explained on the kickstarter?

The Bike Lane's Max told me they pay the $5 registration fee on behalf of any new bike purchaser.

Hey Steve, sorry that it's take so long to respond.

The Bike Lane doesn't have to pay money to register bikes, I need to check back in with them and clarify this.

And it's free for anyone to register bikes!

bump- less than 48 hours left on the kickstarter campaign

Thanks Marcus!

Marcus Moore said:

bump- less than 48 hours left on the kickstarter campaign


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