Launched Friday.  Some of you have encountered Seth and crew out registering bikes at Pitchfork and other events.

Quick summary: a national registry aimed at creating a comprehensive database of bicycles, with the ultimate intent of making life harder for thieves.

Send Bike Index some love!

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Will this be a free-registration list or yet another of the many for-pay registration sites?

The Bike Lane's Max told me they pay the $5 registration fee on behalf of any new bike purchaser.

Hey Steve, sorry that it's take so long to respond.

The Bike Lane doesn't have to pay money to register bikes, I need to check back in with them and clarify this.

And it's free for anyone to register bikes!

bump- less than 48 hours left on the kickstarter campaign

Thanks Marcus!

Marcus Moore said:

bump- less than 48 hours left on the kickstarter campaign


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