Get out your lederhosen!!!


We will be going to the New Glarus Oktoberfest, in beautiful, Glarus, Wisconsin.



Oktoberfest in New Glarus is the last weekend of September.  We will leaving the morning of Saturday, September 25 and returning Sunday eve, September 26th.



How will we be getting there, you ask?  We have arranged for a bus to take us there and back.  Reggies Rock Club will be providing the wheels for this trip!





Where will we be staying, you ask?  Well, the State Park just outside of the downtown New Glarus is booked up. So, we hunted around and found a Farm that will graciously accommodate us on their grounds (and its right next to the state park).  We have an option of a wooded area or the pasture.  The farm is down a 1/4 mile gravel road and a total distance of 3.2 miles from downtown where Oktoberfest is being held. 


We will also be right next to the New Glarus Brewery for those who may want to visit that as well.




So the plan is as such:  Meet up early, around 8 am.  Load up camping gear and bikes on to the bus.  Get to the farm, set up camp, get stuff ready for bonfire.  Ride down to New Glarus Oktoberfest. Have the time of our lives.  Ride back to camp.  Have that bonfire!!  Sleep if you want to.  Pack up camp around noon. Or 1pm. Or 2. Be home Sunday evening.


Total cost of bus is $650.  Split that  20 ways = $32.50ea, Split that 30 ways = $21.67ea.  The camping itself is on a donation situation - we would like to give the guy $100 - $200...again, split that 20 or 30 ways = less that $5 per person.


We will set up the event to RSVP, but more importantly, we will need a deposit to guarantee the seat on the bus, and so we can make a payment on the bus as well.  We ask for $40.  This will cover EVERYTHING other than your booze and eats.  Any extra money will be either be given back, offered as tip to busdriver, or for the farm. Maybe some firewood, too.  A paypal account is set up, or you can give me or Laura cash.  Receipts will be given.


This bus will be closed out at 40ppl, so please get your RSVP's and funds in ASAP.


Paypal: type in for the account. 




All are welcome



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2109 South State Street

Eddie said:
What's the address of Reggie's?
friendly reminder...less than a week to RSVP
I suppose that can be accommodated

H3N3 said:
Hey, good news, I thought of more questions!
Would there be room for a 6-foot trailer in the bus?
then I guess you can't drink :)
New Glarus is a very family friendly town. I am sure you can still enjoy all the other activities that they offer at Oktoberfest. It is also a beautiful place to ride your bike! So there will be plenty to do

jake said:
wat if some can drink i still got a year ?
howard.. very curious.. what do you want a 6 foot trailer for???

H3N3 said:
Hey, good news, I thought of more questions!
Would there be room for a 6-foot trailer in the bus?
did you rsvp yet?
Hey howard look at this!!!!

iggi said:
I suppose that can be accommodated

H3N3 said:
Hey, good news, I thought of more questions!
Would there be room for a 6-foot trailer in the bus?
trip is in a week and a half, we still have some seats if your still intrested!
so we are going in just a few days. and of course now all sorts of last minute people are joining!
if you want to join too its not to late! let us know!
Has this filled yet?
we are getting a few last minute folk, but all are welcome. we do still have room. come join us!!

Tominator said:
Has this filled yet?


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