Will there be more Divvy stations built this spring?

It looks like the ability to view planned Divvy stations has been removed from the map on the Divvy site.

Does anyone know if the stations that were planned as of last summer are still in the works and, if so, when we might expect to see them?

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Those are the stations requested by the public. There is no guarantee that any given requested station will ever be built. I'm talking about the overlay on the main Divvy map (https://divvybikes.com/stations) which showed the upcoming stations which Divvy, as an organization, had committed to building.

It's been very frustrating watching the (lack of) progress from Divvy. There was supposed to be a station at the Thorndale Red Line stop, originally by last summer. Then, when that didn't happen, I contacted my alderman who told me that it would be there by the end of 2013. Then Divvy suspended new station installations "for the winter." And now even though we are almost finished with the first quarter of 2014, new station installation has not resumed and there is no indication when it will ever resume. And now Divvy has removed the list of stations which last year it committed to building (which certainly indicates to me that they are trying to back out of that commitment).

My bike has been in the shop for a week and it would have been really nice to have the option of taking Divvy in the interim. But even though I am in the second-densest neighborhood in the city, and even though less-dense but trendier neighborhoods seem to have Divvy stations every fifty yards, the nearest extant station to my home is still a full mile away.

If you are referring to the thread entitled "New Divvy station? Post it here.", I disagree that its topic is the same as this thread's. If you are referring to some other thread, perhaps you could link to it instead of making vague passive-aggressive allusions.

Eli, I asked about this at the March Mayor's Bicycle Advisory Council meeting, and Streetsblog did an article on it, so you can read more details. Basically, there will be 175 more stations installed this year, but the bankruptcy of the supplier of Divvy bikes is being processed through the courts. There are bidders to buy the assets, and the winning bidder will undoubtedly continue to supply bikes (and stations, I assume), but unfortunately it doesn't seem that spring is a realistic time frame any longer. This is definitely disappointing to people in neighborhoods who are still waiting to become part of the bike share network.

Thank you, Michelle, that Streetsblog article is very helpful. For some reason I'd had the impression that the Bixi bankruptcy/sale was a more pro forma thing that wouldn't have much influence on operations, but I guess that was probably wishful thinking on my part.


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