Post your winter cycling images here! "Hi Res" too, if possible.

Edit: 12/2011:

We have an ongoing need for images to fill journalist requests as well-- if you are willing to have your image used by print/web media, please post it up with your full name so you can be properly credited. Ideally it should be posted in whatever qualifies as "high resolution" these days.


Your help is needed in helping us keep the new site from ending up looking like most sites using content management systems-- dry and barren of anything but printed text.

Let's get an image showing the joy and beauty of winter cycling on every page.

**edit: Great reminder from Gin that riding in snow is not an every-day feature of cold-season bicycle use, as we like to remind winter cycling newbies--so let's be careful not to only present snowy images**

I'm asking you to offer up whatever you are able in terms of winter cycling-related images-- anything from outdoor shots to pics snapped at Bike Winter events, workshops, or meetings.

Please post them to this thread. Doing so implies consent to use on the site.

Don't worry about the quality, size or format-- to put them up we need them to be 600 pixels width or less, and under 1 MB-- but we can resize/modify.

Please note if and how you'd like to be credited-- if you're gray on the matter we'll assume you don't want to be credited.

Thanks for contributing!

PS: One of my all time favorites, CCC New Year's Day ride 1997:

Views: 964

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Jane said:

Here's the shot of VMMS (alluded to above), plus another taken at Veterans last year.

Jane said:

Here's the shot of VMMS (alluded to above), plus another taken at Veterans last year.

Howard the Mighty.... as a BikeWinter Squirrel...  Hold on to those nuts!

Commuting with my kids (quite a few years ago--my son [whose face you can see under my elbow peeking out from the trailer] is now in high school!)

Gen is sitting on my bike rack (on a pillow).  She rode to school for two years pillion-style on the back of my 'beast bike' which has a super heavy Old Man Mountain rack with a hand built wheel made by Marcus of Yojimbo's Garage.

And the commute as she does it today.  

The bike was given to us by Lowell (former Bike Winter co-chair)--and she LOVES it like a baby.  She had a perfectly lovely single speed with fenders, but ditched it in a heartbeat when she could get gears.  

She is getting fenders for this bike for Christmas.

Bike Winter Gnomes... at Chicago Critical Mass

Karina on her old bike (taken last year)

Keshawn... sporting some Bike Winter stickers on his helmet.

Friday Night Bike Club  (taken in 2010).

This group started out as a few bike rides after school in 2005.  We now ride every Friday night (except the last Friday of the month), year round.  I had 25 kids show up last Friday night (Dec. 2).  There are 57 kids who are considered "active members";  they have been on 4 or more rides in the last 3 months.  When you add in every kid who's joined us since April, that number jumps to over 75!

Several of the kids are wearing Bike Winter balaclavas.  

These are a HOT ITEM in the Blue Island!  Last year, I had at least 5 kids stop by my house to see if they could get one--even though they aren't in bike club.


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