Haven't tried bike commuting but need just a little more info? Do you know someone who would like to give it a shot but just needs a little push?

Just in time for Bike to Work Week, here's our new online resource for bike commuting.


Ethan Spotts

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I like it, but the graphics are too small. Can you load larger images, or link them to larger ones when clicking? I really can't read any of the text on them.
We realized that too, that's why we put in most of the graphic copy as text on the page...with the graphics we have, that was the best solution available.

We will go back today or tomorrow and make sure all the graphic copy is placed on the page as text. Sorry we can't make the graphics any bigger.

Ethan Spotts
Some of the graphic copy was interesting. I didn't see all of it repeated elsewhere. I'm looking forward to seeing someone fighting shiny slacks by wearing loose shorts over them.

Start out slowly if you are unsure. Perhaps one or two days a week. That way if your space at work does not allow for a week's worth of clothing to be stored, you can carry what you need with you. (Warning: back packs and messenger bags cause your back to sweat more.) Toweling off and then applying deodorant worked perfectly for me. Cotton next to the skin if it becomes sweaty does not dry easily and retains odors. Wool does not, having natural antibacterial substances. Synthetic cycling jerseys dry faster than cotton but retain odor, so cycling home is usually fine, but they have to be washed or rinsed the same day. And a leisurely pace does avoid too much sweating. Winter is another story, but we can all wait for that event.

That link no longer seems to be working.  It would be great if you have a newer one, or an alternate site.  I am hoping to begin bike commuting soon as well.  Uber excited!!!

Thank you Lisa!  

We just launched a new website and the URL has changed: here are some bike commuting resources on the new site: 


Ted Villaire

Active Trans 

Thank you ATA! 

Very nice!

It is great to read the advice to get a rack as opposed to using a back-pack or messenger bag. Riders don't seem to believe how much of a difference it makes and of course there is an investment in the rack and installation which is enough to discourage some folks from trying it. Nice to have something to point to to re-inforce the advice. Thanks!

And my wife will be super happy to see your endorsement of the milk crate. (Which I've been trying to talk her out of since we met. :) )

Yes, Tony. Let's hear it for the elegant solution for carrying things on bikes -- panniers!  

Ted Villaire

Active Trans

Nice work, ATA! Suggestion: the "choosing a route" page could mention Google Maps bike routing. I've found it to be very good at finding bike-friendly routes.


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