I have this helmet in a green and liked it so much I bought another. They changed the sizing though, and it's a little too small for me.  It's never been used, and it's yours for 40 OBO (it retails for 90).

The size is a Small/Medium, but really, it feels like a small. It's adjustable. Head over to http://bernunlimited.com/shop/bike/men/allston.html for measurements.

Because it fits small but is adjustable, it might be a good choice for kids or teenagers.

From Bern's website: The Allston is the long awaited cycling specific helmet release from Bern, featuring over 50% more airflow with 16 strategically placed vents. We developed this helmet alongside the world's best cycle messengers, and cyclecross racers, which resulted with a helmet that performs as well as it looks. The Allston is made from Bern's exclusive ZipMold technology resulting in a high strength to weight ratio with a clean finish.

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Interested, but I'd want to measure my head first to make sure it would fit. Where would pickup be?

I live in Pilsen, but I'll be in Wicker Park today and Lakeview on Saturday if those work better. You're welcome to try it on if we meet up. It does run a bit small.

I live in Andersonville so Lakeview is best. What time and the vicinity (cross streets) on Saturday? I'll measure my head or find a bike store that sells these to figure out if it will fit in the next day or so.

It's a men's small, right?

Had another taker, sorry!


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