I have 5 extra bike boxes left over from a recent shipment of new bikes (all 700c road/touring bikes). Does anyone need one or more?

My friend suggested donating them to Working Bikes; when I checked they said they only ship large numbers of bikes so they have no need for individual boxes.

Perhaps someone here needs a box for an upcoming trip or eBay auction? It would be a shame to toss these, so let me know if you need one or more. These are brand name bike boxes, so I do not want to put them out in the alley.

PM me if interested; I will be home in Logan Square starting around 7 tonight (Tuesday).


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How much do you want for the bike box?
The boxes are free, just need to pick up in Logan Square tonight.

Dana said:
How much do you want for the bike box?
Thanks. I thought I'd offer them up to folks on Chainlink first and then put em on CL if necessary.

M.A.R.K. said:
If they have to be gone tonight, do offer them up in the free section on Craigslist, and also the bike sale section, i'm sure some, if not all will be taken rather quickly.
can you fly with these boxes and check them as luggage?
any recommendations?
According to the Jim Langley article on boxing a bike, yes. That said, I have not done this personally. Perhaps others will have a better answer?
I have to get a bike from FL to Chicago. Where does one get bike boxes? Can you help?

Primitive Don said:
According to the Jim Langley article on boxing a bike, yes. That said, I have not done this personally. Perhaps others will have a better answer?
ilivenxsatgmail said:
I have to get a bike from FL to Chicago. Where does one get bike boxes? Can you help?

Primitive Don said:
According to the Jim Langley article on boxing a bike, yes. That said, I have not done this personally. Perhaps others will have a better answer?

Check your local bike store, they might be able to help especially if you're a regular.


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