The one I have now isn't quite cutting it. The moisture builds up and it hurts my skin. Plus it just doesn't seem to keep the wind out.

Yes, I did a search prior to posting this.

Thank you for all replies!

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I do have a turtle fur gaiter and that one is WARM. Combine that with a headband, and i don't even own a balaclava.

Regarding the fur: Don't worry. I've been told that the turtles don't mind being sheared periodically.

Mike Bullis said:
Two words, Turtle Fur.
i swear by my smartwool balaclava. it's so good that i only use it when it dips below 30, otherwise it's almost too warm.
I second the Cannondale balaclava.

I'm on my third winter with mine and I love it.

Light, warm, adjustable.
I have this one in blue, and love it! It's not itchy at all- feels like soft jersey cotton. I layer it over a thin silk one when it's really cold. A little spendy, but worth it for this cold-hatin' girl! And it's cheaper than a bus pass...
I just have to find the one I already have. I keep running into it in July. Then I find it during the last week of winter. It would have come in handy today. Its a Pearl Izumi. I've always found it to be warm and wind proof.


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