In celebration of our Winter Bike to Work Day rally in Daley Plaza tomorrow morning, NBC 5 has let us know they'd like to see you cold-weather fiends out in front of their Tribune Plaza studio window for the 6am news hour!

That's 401 N. Michigan, behind Marilyn Monroe.

Just roll by at 6am and give a big wave - this could be your big break!

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" - this could be your big break!"

I've been working in live tv for damn near 20 years and I've heard this on every job.  Too cold for me, plus I loathe every single little dainty snowflake.   Enjoy......

I would do this if I weren't terrified of riding my bike down Michigan Avenue, due to the complete lack of any bike infrastructure and the high volumes of speeding car traffic.

At 6 am I doubt there are many cars out...  If you want to meet, I'll ride down with you and we can cross Michigan together.

Michelle Stenzel said:

I would do this if I weren't terrified of riding my bike down Michigan Avenue, due to the complete lack of any bike infrastructure and the high volumes of speeding car traffic.

If they stand very quietly at the foot of my bed and let themselves out the same way they came in, NBC 5 can see me at 6:00 am tomorrow morning. 

Cameron, thanks for the tips!


Julie, thanks for the offer, but I'm not sure I'll actually ride in tomorrow, now that I see Tom Skilling is  predicting 4-8 inches of snow to hit in the middle of the day. Might be a Brown Line day for me.


Can I crash the BTW rally if I don't arrive on my bike?

of course! 

Michelle Stenzel said:

Cameron, thanks for the tips!


Julie, thanks for the offer, but I'm not sure I'll actually ride in tomorrow, now that I see Tom Skilling is  predicting 4-8 inches of snow to hit in the middle of the day. Might be a Brown Line day for me.


Can I crash the BTW rally if I don't arrive on my bike?

While I'm riding in tomorrow -- the prediction of heavy snow on the ride home actually appeals to me -- the six o'clock thing is a non-starter.  I'll stop by the Daley Center, however.

I rode Mi ave. during the Obama visit as I couldn't take the lowers it was crazy packed crowded but not moving so... the trick is to take the lane so to speak and not try to ride as far to the right, cabbies, busses and those grates that run parallel to the curb.

Michelle Stenzel said:

I would do this if I weren't terrified of riding my bike down Michigan Avenue, due to the complete lack of any bike infrastructure and the high volumes of speeding car traffic.

Craig, Cam and Kevin had me peein from laughter ;-) I'm psyched for the snow storm as i might be making my way on crutches to physical therapy. ;-) Will be interesting. Good luck riders, you can do it!


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