We just posted this blog, copied/pasted below. We'll be attending this meeting and following up afterwards...very exciting news!



Lee Crandell, Membership Director, Active Trans


Active Trans is excited about a major milestone for the Navy Pier Flyover coming up this Thursday, as the project goes before the Chicago Plan Commission for approval. The Navy Pier Flyover is a project years in the making that addresses the confusing and dangerous stretch of Chicago’s Lakefront Trail from just north of Navy Pier south to where the trail is forced onto a tight sidewalk over the Chicago River. The Flyover is essentially a Lakefront Trail bridge that would pass over Grand Ave. and Illinois St. and provide a full-width trail over the Chicago River.


CDOT has secured funding for the first two of three phases of the project. This means that if the Chicago Plan Commission approves the project on Thursday, the city will begin asking for work proposals, and the project would move forward toward a construction start in spring of next year! Active Trans will continue advocating for funding to complete the project. While any project of this scale will result in inconveniences, we’re pleased that Chicago Department of Transportation is committed to keeping the Lakefront Trail open for the duration of the construction.


Active Trans has been involved in this project for about a decade, since the initial project meetings. We’ve worked with the city to provide input on the project concept and design, participated in public meetings with our members and worked to counter concerns about the project from nearby residents. For Thursday’s plan commission meeting, Active Trans has submitted a letter of support (see PDF download below) for the project, and we will have staff offer testimony at the meeting. We hope to see this important project proceed with approval from the plan commission.


You can help us stay on top of our advocacy for projects like this by joining Active Trans or making a donation!

Chicago Plan Commission meetings are open to the public and members and supporters are welcome to join us on Thursday.





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Cameron, we are very optimistic that the Plan Commission will approve the project, but it's not a given. If it's approved, it still won't exactly be a done deal. The initial phases are funded and it will proceed toward construction if approved, but we'll still need to advocate for funding for the third and final phase of the project. We'll also continue to follow the situation before it breaks ground. With the mayoral and city council transitions we want to ensure the city doesn't hold up the funding CDOT has already secured or further delay the project.


- Lee Crandell, Membership Director, Active Trans

This would be so awesome. I don't think I can make a 1 p.m. meeting, but if I can get away I will just to add my show of support.

Thank you ATA for keeping up with this.

Saw this Tribune article about it. I'm hoping the finished path is a little wider than it currently looks.



Fingers crossed. However, will this stop the use of Surrey Cycles? These things need to be banned.

Since the path looks narrow-ish, imagine these things on it when they decide to do a 45 point turn.

What a wonderful idea. Too bad city and state are completely broke.
Yes, there definitely needs to be a new wider width standard on the Lakefront trail, with pedestrian separation, starting with this bridge. Just look at the Trib's illustration: rollerbladers and a runner - not a bike in sight. Now let's factor in those tourist buggies rented out from Navy Pier and groups of tourist pedestrians, and you have the perfect recipe for the same old congestion.

I love those tourist buggies! - would love to toss them all off of the flyover. 


"And there are four-wheeled...umm...bicycles? smashed all over Grand Avenue!"


On a more serious note, I don't think the congestion would be of the same magnitude with the flyover even with the blasted buggies.  With the way it's currently laid out around Grand Ave, everyone needs to stay on a stretch of sidewalk which isn't as wide as the asphalt path when you take obstructions and the bridge bottleneck into account (you can't keep walking/running/riding in a straight line when there's a post in your way or an I-beam that you'll hit with your head). 


Even with the concept graphic, it looks like it would offer at least a little more space for maneuvering around other trail users.

Bike Bloke said:

Yes, there definitely needs to be a new wider width standard on the Lakefront trail, with pedestrian separation, starting with this bridge. Just look at the Trib's illustration: rollerbladers and a runner - not a bike in sight. Now let's factor in those tourist buggies rented out from Navy Pier and groups of tourist pedestrians, and you have the perfect recipe for the same old congestion.
This will clear the way of the rollerbladers, peds with dogs on 12-foot leashes, and those annoying trikkes...

Ethan, with Active Trans
Funding is already in place for the first two of three phases.  Even under the best case scenario, it will take until 2018 to complete.  But it will be worth the wait!  Thanks to ATA for lobbying for this.  This will make my daily commute safer, faster, and more enjoyable.
Woo hoo! Just saw trib article. This is AWESOME news!


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