Inspired by the Name That Bike Rack series.....




First person to correctly name the pet name and bike shop in the picture below will win a Chainlink shirt.




(I believe this cat was found by another bike shop owner and gifted to another bike shop owner.)



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Thanks Julie; good to see you and hang out a bit yesterday.

There's a third shop cat, an injured stray I found behind the shop - DC

Going back to Gracie- she was born on the back porch of another local bike shop owner (both he and his wife are active members of the community) and Gracie's siblings are cared for by other local cyclists...

The cat at Blue City started getting junk mail after s/he was listed on their web site as the shop's CEO.

I wonder was C E O stands for in that case?

This handsome boy has his very own fan club!  Complete with 8x10 Crayola ready prints and buttons for bi-peds that contribute to his club.  Name this beautiful pooch, the people who work for him and the shop where he reigns supreme!  Then consider joining his worthwhile club too! 

Dogs rule!!! cats drool.

I cheated, with Google, but glad I read and learned about this wonderful dog who found some cool people to live with.

Boy, you're not making it too hard there, Steel Driver.

There was a dog, amstaff or pitbull mix I think, at Johnny Rockets last week, I played tug with him and his bone and dragged him around the store. He was great, a fun nice dog. I've never seen him before or since.


A different picture was cut and pasted.  Sorta like when friction drivetrains ghost shift, whoops.

Thanks for playing!  : )

If u have pictures of bike shop pets email so we can create new contests each week or two.


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