Did you like the name tags (and stickers of course) or think it was too grade schoolish?

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A great way to avoid the a situation of initially paying more attention to the silly tag than the person is to have the name tag on your back rather than your front. You will probably forget its there and marvel that anyone remembers your name. It still has to be big enough to read.
His name is my name too!
I thought it was a great idea.

I wouldn't have recognized a lot of people without the tags because I've never met them in person.

Nicely done!
worked. ppl are either like..hey your the chainring breaker or...look at the tag..oh your joe!. i smile or smirk either way. so yeah...good idea...i also like the tag on the back.
I think we need 2 tags. The 1 on your back being your screen name and 1 on the front with your real name
Check, what about those of us who have the same name? On our forehead maybe???

Chuck a Muck said:
I think we need 2 tags. The 1 on your back being your screen name and 1 on the front with your real name
Sure whatever floats your boat. I myself am to paranoid to ever use my given name on the interweb. Also I am proud that when I google my given name absolutely nothing about me comes up.
they initially sent a wave of social anxiety through me, but they definitely came in handy. all in all, i approve.
Tags front and back - better idea. Real (or realish name on the front) and nom de chain on the back.
fo sho i think it's a good idea. we're all new faces and we can't always pin the real face with the screen face....get the whole "im not sure if that him/her" look on yer face when you approach a face and you're faced with facing the face and asking "hey, is that whats his face". yeah.
I liked it! Thanks for going and grabbing those Julie :)
Definitely. I wouldn't have put together that you were Iggi from you in person compared to your avatar. (Ask Chuck a Muck about the problems that hats can caught when recognizing someone.)

iggi said:
fo sho i think it's a good idea. we're all new faces and we can't always pin the real face with the screen face....get the whole "im not sure if that him/her" look on yer face when you approach a face and you're faced with facing the face and asking "hey, is that whats his face". yeah.


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