Today I find myself daydreaming about my bicycles. I'd rather be out riding than working. The sun is making me feel human again. I have thoughts of packing up my guitar hoping on my bike and heading to the beach. My inner hippie wants to escape today. I wanna be shoeless, sunbathed, and cocktailed (did I just invent a word?). Alas, here I sit administering a math test to 8th graders. Another day I suppose. Anyone with me????

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No guitar, but I am with you.  Even with the sun today we would have to imagine the sand under the ice formations, anyway.  So don't be too hard on the 8th graders. :-)

I've been dreaming about selling all my possessions and living on my bike for a few months. I have serious hippie tendencies and the cold weather amplifies them. 

I'm daydreaming 3:30... quitting time for the day

No bikes or guitars here on vacation (Key Largo), but we spent a fair amount of time at the beach. :-)

Nothing matters but the weekend from a Tuesday point of view- The Kings

I thought so but unfortunately no:

The equivalent of getting served, but with alcohol involved in some way.

Steve: I got so fucking wasted last night
Tim: Yeah man you got cocktailed

Amanda said:

I wanna be shoeless, sunbathed, and cocktailed (did I just invent a word?).

Ummm, noisy beaches and soothing guitars.  Cold beer and warm breezes.  Spicy dinner scents and candlelight.  Welcome to the Sayulita of my mind...

Damn! So close!! 
Tom Dworzanski said:

I thought so but unfortunately no:

The equivalent of getting served, but with alcohol involved in some way.

Steve: I got so fucking wasted last night
Tim: Yeah man you got cocktailed

Amanda said:

I wanna be shoeless, sunbathed, and cocktailed (did I just invent a word?).


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