My Green & Black Carbon Orbea Orca Bike Was Stolen 2 Hours Ago!

My 2006  51cm Green and Black Carbon Orbea Orca bike with Sram Force and Easton Tempest II wheels was stolen tonight Wednesday May 5th at 153 W. Ohio Street between 7:30pm and 9:30pm.  Please keep your eye out for it on the street, Craig's List and Ebay.  A Chicago police report and Chicago Stolen Bike registry is complete.  This is my only bike and I ride to work and everywhere else.  Please contact me with any information-Thank you!

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oh Seri this is horrible, I will look out for this.

ALSO - Lori Dunn may have a road bike (same size or close) available for you.
I am seeing her tomorrow night and Saturday (doing the 2 man TTT in Garden Prairie)

Your bike should be very easy to spot!
Yes, Amber, it is easy to spot! At $6000 it will be admired whoever rides it!

Amber K said:
Your bike should be very easy to spot!
Ill keep my eye out for it at swap-o-rama on saturday.
you should join us for the search
im very sorry that you lost your bike, but if you're going to play the price tag card, in my opinion you should not have locked that nice of a bike anywhere downtown for any amount of time... none of my bikes are "$6000 bikes", however I am concerned about having my bikes taken, therefore they are either adequately locked up or they come everywhere with me.

but once again, im sorry.

Seri97 said:
Yes, Amber, it is easy to spot! At $6000 it will be admired whoever rides it!

Amber K said:
Your bike should be very easy to spot!
You can report it to your home owners or renter's insurance to get you on track to getting it replaced. That's a bummer.

Seri97 said:
Yes, Amber, it is easy to spot! At $6000 it will be admired whoever rides it!

Amber K said:
Your bike should be very easy to spot!
That's not really a helpful comment.

Mike said:
im very sorry that you lost your bike, but if you're going to play the price tag card, in my opinion you should not have locked that nice of a bike anywhere downtown for any amount of time... none of my bikes are "$6000 bikes", however I am concerned about having my bikes taken, therefore they are either adequately locked up or they come everywhere with me.

Sure if I had renters insurance. The limit for sports equipment was not enough to warrant the policy purchase. In retrospect, $2000 would help out alot!

dav said:
You can report it to your home owners or renter's insurance to get you on track to getting it replaced. That's a bummer.

Seri97 said:
Yes, Amber, it is easy to spot! At $6000 it will be admired whoever rides it!

Amber K said:
Your bike should be very easy to spot!
Thank you for looking out for it..feel free to call me if you see it: 847-477-1842

Laura said:
Ill keep my eye out for it at swap-o-rama on saturday.
you should join us for the search
I struggle with riding an expensive bike to where I need to go and leaving it unattended versus not riding. It is a tough decision..

heather stratton said:
That's not really a helpful comment.

Mike said:
im very sorry that you lost your bike, but if you're going to play the price tag card, in my opinion you should not have locked that nice of a bike anywhere downtown for any amount of time... none of my bikes are "$6000 bikes", however I am concerned about having my bikes taken, therefore they are either adequately locked up or they come everywhere with me.

I have to disagree. Don't go lock up a $6000 dollar bike anywhere is pretty helpful, if only for the future.

heather stratton said:
That's not really a helpful comment.
Mike said:
im very sorry that you lost your bike, but if you're going to play the price tag card, in my opinion you should not have locked that nice of a bike anywhere downtown for any amount of time... none of my bikes are "$6000 bikes", however I am concerned about having my bikes taken, therefore they are either adequately locked up or they come everywhere with me.

I'd recommend you drop a couple hundred or less on a used get-around-town bike.

But I still hope you get back your Orca.

Seri97 said:
I struggle with riding an expensive bike to where I need to go and leaving it unattended versus not riding. It is a tough decision..

heather stratton said:
That's not really a helpful comment.

Mike said:
im very sorry that you lost your bike, but if you're going to play the price tag card, in my opinion you should not have locked that nice of a bike anywhere downtown for any amount of time... none of my bikes are "$6000 bikes", however I am concerned about having my bikes taken, therefore they are either adequately locked up or they come everywhere with me.


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