So, I just got back from vacation on Saturday and went for my daily ride yesterday.  On my way back north, I see a white Jeep Wrangler stopped at the stop sign leaving the parking lot at Diversey Harbor.  She almost hit a biker in front of me.  He stopped in the roadway glaring at her.  I was going to pass between them.  He moved, she lunged forward again, I slam on my front brake and flip over my handlebars.  She made it known that she's a biker.  Apprarently not when she's behind the wheel.  I said as I sat on the ground "Do I need a spotlight?!"  Then she yelled "Hey, I said sorry!  I feel bad!"  My Bern Watts helmet made the tumble smooth.  Just a bad scrape on one knee and a bruised shoulder.  I have a white bike and had my front and rear blinking lights on.  I hope she learned her lesson and that none of you ever encounter her.

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Happy you are ok.  It's a fact that many drivers are also cyclists themselves.

I drive occasionally and I certainly bike.


I'm not sure I totally understand the mechanics of the scene; but maybe trying to pass between them wasn't the best idea.


The old adage: "Better Safe, than Sorry"


Glad you're ok.

I am not sure if this is the best advice, but I often adjust my front brake a little looser then the rear to help avoid the front wheel lock up/flip over that happened to you. I also try to make it a habit to toss my weight back behind the seat in panic stops. That may have been me on the LFP that the white jeep almost hit... I did not see or hear you fall or I would have checked to make sure you were OK.
The crossings around in and out of the beaches and harbors on the LFP in the north side are pretty sketchy.  I've almost gotten hit there myself while on my bike.  From a driver's perspective, it's really difficult to make sure that there's no bikes coming up the trail when turning and going across the LFP.  It doesn't help that most cyclists (myself included) tend to be seriously booking it around there.  I think the new yield signs on the LFP help make things better by indicating the right of way but I'd love it if the LFP were rerouted or changed so that it didn't cross the road.  However the chances of underpasses being put in are probably close to zero.


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