I recorded the footage with my iphone and I did all of the editing....Just me enjoying the art of shiftless riding and doing some basic, but fun tricks....



fixed and free.....

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This has been so overdone, I don't even care to watch them any more...

I'm not particularly interested in fixed gear bicycles, but there is nothing i like more then video footage of cycling :-)
No worries

bike on with whatever you have.....

We are all free

FatTireFool said:
I'm not particularly interested in fixed gear bicycles, but there is nothing i like more then video footage of cycling :-)
I enjoyed this. Nice beats, nice edit, and good spirit. A guy and his bike. Plain and simple.
Nice! I haven't seen one of these before so I thought this was great.

hopefully by your next video, you can actually ride those backward lines. but i like the effect.
I can do 3 seconds of it.... Then I fall down

: (

but seriously,I could do a lot more if I wanted to....I'm trying to get more into actually track drome racing

nik was here said:
nice. hopefully by your next video, you can actually ride those backward lines. but i like the effect.
Actually I sold it already.....to a Russian guy up north to finance my first build.

The cool thing about it,not only did he buy it ,but he wants me to convert his fuji into a fixie....pics are on my facebook page.

I still got my miyata which is the bike I used in the


Brian Ellison said:
the fact that you did all that on an iphone is amazing.... good job.


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