My commute to the office...I expect to be slammed by some, but not all.

Daytime...last leg into the loop:

First leg home at night:

Now don't be too mean...I am a bit sensitive if you didn't know.

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A little to much running red lights and going against the flow of traffic for me, but watching this inspires me to find a way to mount my camera on my handlebars. Those are nice bike racks your building supplies. I have to lock my bike to a No Parking sign where I work.
I hope I don't hear of you getting plowed into one day, or worse, killed.

I did enjoy the bridge crossing though. The camera shaking really gives you a sense of how bumpy those grates can be.
jen said:
As you comment at the end of your first video, it really IS amazing that you haven't been killed yet on your commute. I hate to go all Nostradamus, but time is not on your side with riding behavior like that.

I love to see everyone on bikes, but you're exactly the kind of selfish rider that sustains a bad image of bikers....
And that's not a compliment!
Well thanks Jen for my non-compliment...I do my absolute best to interfere as little as possible with Peds, and cars in the process of my commute...and I actually have apologized to both peds and car drivers when I'm in the wrong. However, I do have little consideration for drivers who flagrantly blow red lights...of which The Loop has many...and indeed I'm living in a glass house throwing I do blow them too. But I really do try my best to not interfere with others in my ride. I largely consider myself to be invisible to cars and peds.

You know, you might just be being judgmental...but I'm sure I get little sympathy given this one-dimensional view of me.

Moreover, I think for those that travel at slower speeds/don't lane split, a la California motorcycle law style, this all seems quite risky. However, given the 180 degree view from the rider's perspective, it's really not as bad as it seems.
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I hope I don't hear of you getting plowed into one day, or worse, killed.

I did enjoy the bridge crossing though. The camera shaking really gives you a sense of how bumpy those grates can be.

Me too on not getting killed/mushed. But, I've been riding like this, giving all the pedal people a bad name, for almost five if past success is a predictor of the future I hope to be okay.

And the comment about not getting killed was in anticipation of almost everyone thinking I could not be more of an idiot even if I tried.
The camera mounting was simple...go here:

This is the tripod I used...and just duct-taped it to the steering stem and you're done! It takes a little messing with to get the right angle when the camera is full-seated into the threads. And I often have to move the camera back into position while in-motion. But it's cheap, easy, and pretty effective.

Now you all go a post some videos! Let's see your pedal!
You can blow red lights when the coast is clear. Actually you're paying drivers a friendly service by doing so.....

If you're at a light and a car is behind you, depending on what you're riding, you dont just take off. You have to pedal some to get going, but the driver has to wait on you to do that.....By taking off while the coast is clear, you're already moving and the driver behind you can adjust quicker and a lot sooner.
Blowing red lights and stop signs when the coast is clear makes sense, but assuming you can do it until you're forced by impending cars/pedestrians to slam on your brakes is dangerous for all involved and just gives drivers and pedestrians another reason to hate cyclists.

Sometimes I'm an a$$hole on a bike, but I try hard not to be.
ishnock aka the blue baron said:
You can blow red lights when the coast is clear. Actually you're paying drivers a friendly service by doing so.....

If you're at a light and a car is behind you, depending on what you're riding, you dont just take off. You have to pedal some to get going, but the driver has to wait on you to do that.....By taking off while the coast is clear, you're already moving and the driver behind you can adjust quicker and a lot sooner.

Whoaaa, what happened to the 'law??' You chastised anyone without a brake in the other thread! Come on now, consistency is KEY!
Reality is on line 1.....Pick up when you're ready

Jessica said:
ishnock aka the blue baron said:
You can blow red lights when the coast is clear. Actually you're paying drivers a friendly service by doing so.....

If you're at a light and a car is behind you, depending on what you're riding, you dont just take off. You have to pedal some to get going, but the driver has to wait on you to do that.....By taking off while the coast is clear, you're already moving and the driver behind you can adjust quicker and a lot sooner.

Whoaaa, what happened to the 'law??' You chastised anyone without a brake in the other thread! Come on now, consistency is KEY!
Reality is on line 1? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Sounds like you're going to get to a point where you are slammed by all.

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
Reality is on line 1.....Pick up when you're ready
Jessica said:
ishnock aka the blue baron said:
You can blow red lights when the coast is clear. Actually you're paying drivers a friendly service by doing so.....

If you're at a light and a car is behind you, depending on what you're riding, you dont just take off. You have to pedal some to get going, but the driver has to wait on you to do that.....By taking off while the coast is clear, you're already moving and the driver behind you can adjust quicker and a lot sooner.

Whoaaa, what happened to the 'law??' You chastised anyone without a brake in the other thread! Come on now, consistency is KEY!
Now you are perpetuating the matter...let it go. Its old, and stop instigating because no one was talking
to you.

I was simply being sarcastic with her........

Let it go.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Reality is on line 1? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Sounds like you're going to get to a point where you are slammed by all.

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
Reality is on line 1.....Pick up when you're ready
Jessica said:
ishnock aka the blue baron said:
You can blow red lights when the coast is clear. Actually you're paying drivers a friendly service by doing so.....

If you're at a light and a car is behind you, depending on what you're riding, you dont just take off. You have to pedal some to get going, but the driver has to wait on you to do that.....By taking off while the coast is clear, you're already moving and the driver behind you can adjust quicker and a lot sooner.

Whoaaa, what happened to the 'law??' You chastised anyone without a brake in the other thread! Come on now, consistency is KEY!


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