My bike was stolen from outside the Tech at Northwestern today. It's a Trek 1.2, red and white, and registered with the Evanston police department. There was no trace of lock, despite me using a U-lock. Are they that easy to circumvent?

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I'd post an entry to the chicago stolenbike registry.  But, any lock is fairly easy to cut if the thief has an angle grinder.  It takes about 45s and the grinder will have cut through it.  The best thing to do is to make it difficult for the thief to get the bike and make other bikes look like easier targets.  But if a well equipped thief wants your bike, he or she will probably be able to get it.

Did you file with 311? A police report speeds up your homeowner's insurance reimbursement.
Have you registered it here: ?
Also you might want to go visit the flea market every weekend.


Thinking good thoughts that it might be recovered.  

I see you posted it on the stolen bike registry, good. 

Flea Market = Swap-o-rama, 4100 S Ashland.  I found my bike there, and some other lucky few have had theirs recovered there as well.   Here is the story of my recovery.

Just Will said:

Did you file with 311? A police report speeds up your homeowner's insurance reimbursement.
Have you registered it here: ?
Also you might want to go visit the flea market every weekend.

I'm sorry to hear of your stolen bike. Older U-locks with round keys are easy to circumvent. They tended to have smaller diameter shackles and it was discovered in '05-'06(?) that they could be opened with a round barrel style bic pen. I'm not sure there's a manufacturer that remains that has sold a round key u-lock in at least 5 year. Cable locks can be defeated with a 12-inch bolt cutter about as fast as you can open the lock with a key. 

Any security cameras nearby?  Might want to check Craigslist or Ebay, you never know.


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