To the guy going south on Wells this morning on a giant motorized chopper-style bicycle -- get out of the bike lane!  I'm sorry it takes you like 10 minutes to get up to speed (causing all of the bikes to get stuck behind you in your exhaust), but once you get going, you are flying along at like 30 mph.  So, you're either going way too slow for the bike lane or too fast.  Not cool - either start pedaling or get stuck in traffic with the rest of the motorized people.

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Doug, you say smellier exhaust means there's more carbon monoxide in the exhaust fumes. If carbon monoxide is odorless, then how would more of it make for smellier exhaust?

I think that's the question Michael is getting at.

notoriousDUG said:
It is but it is a greenhouse gas. What would it being odorless have to do with the level of pollution?

Michael J Blane said:
Umm, isn't CO odorless?

notoriousDUG said:
I am an expert on combustion engines.

First off CO2 is not the only thing that comes out of a tail pipe, you also have hydro-carbons (both unburned and combusted), CO (carbon monoxide) and many oxides of nitrogen. These items are actually the more damaging things that come out of a tail pipe and are what have the tightest standard when it comes to smog regulation although CO2 is checked. It is also worth noting that CO, not CO2, is the one to worry about.

More smell does mean more CO because you are not getting a full clean burn and end up with high CO numbers.

Michael J Blane said:
Umm, isn't CO odorless?

CO might be odorless but it's pretty bad. It tends to bind much more strongly to haemoglobin in your blood and prevents it from carrying oxygen around. It's why carbon monoxide detectors are popping up in more homes since a badly adjusted furnance can generate CO and end up causing accidental deaths.

Ah, I misunderstood. CO doe snot add tot he odor but that does not mean it is not comtributing to the whole green house gas issue.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Doug, you say smellier exhaust means there's more carbon monoxide in the exhaust fumes. If carbon monoxide is odorless, then how would more of it make for smellier exhaust?

I think that's the question Michael is getting at.

notoriousDUG said:
It is but it is a greenhouse gas. What would it being odorless have to do with the level of pollution?

Michael J Blane said:
Umm, isn't CO odorless?

notoriousDUG said:
I am an expert on combustion engines.

First off CO2 is not the only thing that comes out of a tail pipe, you also have hydro-carbons (both unburned and combusted), CO (carbon monoxide) and many oxides of nitrogen. These items are actually the more damaging things that come out of a tail pipe and are what have the tightest standard when it comes to smog regulation although CO2 is checked. It is also worth noting that CO, not CO2, is the one to worry about.

More smell does mean more CO because you are not getting a full clean burn and end up with high CO numbers.

What I read every time one of these "stay out of the bike lane" threads pops up is this:

"Hey you in the vehicle I don't approve of: Stay the fuck off my road."

And my take is that's the sentiment that I read about on here that usually results in the cyclist needing a police report, or wanting to hit the driver with a u-lock. If you don't like being bullied off the road because you chose a mode of transportation that gets your rocks off, don't do it to someone else. Bike lanes are just paint when it comes down to it. If you're going to get that anal about who can use what part of the road and who can't, then the "get stuck in traffic with the rest of the motorized people" lanes should be just that. Keep your fucking non-motorized-pedal-powered bike off of them. Stick to the sidewalk and bike paths (that's sarcasm btw).

and nothing is 100% clean; 4 stroke, 2 stroke, hybrid, or bike. Get off your high horse (which emits methane :rimshot:)


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