The Westborough Baptist Church (of God Hates Fags fame) is visiting Chicago this Monday. There are organizations that may or may not be engaging in counter protest. So please do anything that you think is necessary with the information I am providing. Either way I'll be at Wacker & Michigan holding this sign,, if you want to print one out for yourself please do! High Quality Print:

Here is their schedule:
03/08/10, 11:45- 12:15 @ UIC Levine Hillel Center (924 S Morgan)
03/08/10, 4:15-4:45 @ Israel Consulate (E Wacker Dr & Michigan Ave)
03/08/10, 4:45 to 5:30 @ Hyatt Regency (151 E Wacker Dr)

Time: March 8, 2010 from 11:45am to 5:30pm
Location: UIC Levine Hillel Center, Israel Consulate & Hyatt Regency
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map:
Event Type: counterprotest
Organized By: Anyone Interested In Social Justice
Latest Activity: 3 minutes ago

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These guys are the best trolls ever.
"Seriously, we need to just make this a commonplace assumption, to the point where saying something stupid like "homosexuals don't want equal rights; they want special rights" is universally considered a euphemism for "I will take you out behind the kid's tree fort and stick my tongue down your pants as soon as my wife falls asleep."" -Dennis DiClaudio/Comedy Central
Bump! See ya tonight! ;-)
I am so pissed off. I am in the building right were they are protesting with my sign ready to go but I am stuck in meeting hell until an unforseen time. I gotta get a new job.
Well dude it was a good turnout on our side. Lotsa peeps. However rather than having the non-engagement perspective there were quite a few old hippies yelling peace chants across the street makign the future hippies challenge the cops boundries (trying to cross the street to the side where the real nut bags were).

I wore my viking helmet and had a sign that said "I'm a Viking." ;-) Some lil straight walked up to me and challenged if I was protesting the people across the street. He had obviously never seen any of the vids on youtube.


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