Sign beside a bike lane on westbound Division in Oak Park (at Harlem). It's very nice of the good burghers of Oak Park to think of us cyclists. However, to me this sign sends a mixed message - one that it's not OK to use the full lane in the absence of a sign allowing full lane use. This just gives ammunition to anti-cyclist motorists.

What are your thoughts?

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I agree with you; the sign could use some rewording, at best.  

That's funny, because I was biking down North Ave. today and this lady in an SUV honked at me (while traffic was pretty much at a stand still, to boot) when I took the lane and was just coasting along.  I didn't want to try to squeeze by a row of cars on the right side of the bridge.  I mocked her immediately, gesturing like, well where are ya gonna go even if I rode up along the side?  She seemed pretty road raged-out, and aggressively pulled up next to me ahead and rolled down her window.  Right away she made it known that she thought bikes were only allowed to ride along the side of the road.  I told her to look up the rules of the road and she said she would.  Yeah, ain't gonna happen.  

Here's one I always thought had a mixed message

Those children better pick up the pace or else that creepy lurching guy is going touch them.  


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