Apparently a tandem bike was dumped in my neighborhood today (possibly yesterday), likely stolen from someone.  It's being held (not by me) nearby and can be reclaimed with any reasonable proof of ownership.

If this is your missing bike, contact me and I'll let you know how to retrieve it.  A good start would be if you know the brand and color of the bike.

I only know about this through a neighborhood FB group posting, so have not actually seen the bike myself, and am just helping out (I hope).

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Can I assume that you've already searched the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry?

I told the person from whom I learned about the bike about the Registry, so she probably looked there.

Can you give  a better description? 

I know of a couple of recently stolen tandems.

I'm only peripherally involved in this and for all I know it's already been picked up.    Giving a better description here would kind of spoil the whole 'identify the bike and pick it up' thing.


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