Hi everyone,

I received notice from the city about 20 minutes ago that they are cancelling tonight's Mini-Tour of the Near North Side.  Probably for the best given I just heard a weather reporter describe the forthcoming storm as "Biblical".

Friday's ride is still on.  Cheers - Lee

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I was looking forward to using my fender as a baseball bat to combat the hail.

EDIT: I already regret my stupid joke but I stand by it.

I'm heading to the lumber yard.  Anyone got the plans for an Ark?

(I'm really happy I didn't move into that "garden apartment" right about now.)

Lee, the Trib did not include cancellation of your tour in its list of things that are closing, like the City of Evanston that closed down at 3:00.

It sounds like it's a good day to go see Raiders of the Lost Ark.

The Blackhawks game has not been cancelled yet.

why build an Ark, when there is one already



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