Milwaukee: Local men form association to promote electric-powered bicycles

Milwaukee: Local men form association to promote electric-powered b... - Two local electric bike enthusiasts have formed the United States e-bikes Association to promote the benefits of power-assisted bicycles and encourage the development of public charging stations.

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"Motorists are often surprised to see me riding 18 miles per hour up a steep grade,"


Not too sure I want to compete with these guys on the LFP or in the bike lane.

I'm surprised when they buzz me at 8" in the bike lane too...

Electric "bikes" are motor vehicles we do not need in bike lanes!


I think when used in the right situations an e-bike assist can be a great way to get people who would not otherwise be able to ride out on bikes.  The elderly, people with knee injuries, users in very hilly areas, and cargo bikes are all great candidates for assist technology.  

People who use the technology to wiz by people on the path are equally annoying to the cyclists on TT bikes trying to go 25mph on the path.  

The key is for the rider of the e-bike to be a responsible and use the motor only when appropriate, and at speeds appropriate to conditions.  Just because you can go faster, doesn't mean you should.

The D-bags on the 2-stroke engine bikes are just the most frustrating thing ever, and shouldn't be allowed on the road, let alone in the bike lane.  


You can't trust people to be responsible...

4500W = 6HP

6HP is easily enough to achieve well over 55MPH on a road bicycle tucked-in on level ground. 

Yup.  Plug in some numbers...

If E Bikes develop to be more powerful, I imagine they will get regulated to be "other than bikes" for the purposes of bike trails and bike lanes.


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