Anyone know if the annual Milwaukee Swap that generally occurs in early December is happening this year? I cannot find any updates on the interwebs from last season.
Several sources of Saturday December 8, no year. Nothing for Saturday December 7 or 14th.
The Facebook page notes 'no upcoming events' so it does not look promising.
Yeah thats what I came to conclude as well. Its always a good swap, not mega crowded. I'd be bummed if it stops. Where will I find cheap retrogrouch stuff!
Well, I was going to say , but they don't have any future events posted.
I too have enjoyed going to this show for about the last 6? years so I fired off an email at lunch to the address listed on FB and just got a response. Retrogrouches rejoice!
Thanks for reaching out. We had to move the date due to the school being booked over our traditional weekend. I am still in the process of securing the permit with the school. Once everything is locked in then I will contact vendors and start posting updates on the Facebook page.
Andrew Rossa CAA, CPRP
Milwaukee Recreation
Yes! Success! 8-9 speed cassettes beware!
Looks like the following is happening so far:
Brazen Dropouts Madison Swap: Saturday, January 11th 2020
Milwaukee Bike Bazaar: February 29th 2020
The Chicago swap at Harper College is officially canceled...........which is a bummer. We have no official large local swaps right now.
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