We're riding to Milwaukee...again.
This time we are for sure doing the Sprecher tour on Saturday, and I'm down for the reserve tasting if I can convince anyone else.

The dates are set -
Leaving Friday OCT 23 - returning Sunday OCT 25 riding, or on the train...of course, everyone can do whatever they want.
We are probably going to be riding at a super chill/touring pace, so if you've been riding all summer and want to do a first time distance ride, this ones for you. - but we could always meet you there if you wanna race to Palomino's.
We gonna get a hotel - maybe a huge one to be shared?
After we see how many people want to roll, I will provide more specific details.
This should be up on the calender soon...

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How did you all go on 3.0? Sheridan/Rt 32?

Jared said:
Any idea what route we'll take? I did the 3.0 ride but would prefer a change of scenery for this one.
We took the Robert McClory Path into Wisconsin and then headed west at Rt. K and then north at Rt. H. At least that's how I remember going. We took Sheridan from Evanston to Highland Park or thereabouts and then the bike path into Wisconsin.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
How did you all go on 3.0? Sheridan/Rt 32?

Jared said:
Any idea what route we'll take? I did the 3.0 ride but would prefer a change of scenery for this one.
Sounds like the route we did for 1.0 back in April. Oh Country Road H, BUMP......BUMP.....BUMP, stupid concrete expansion joints.

We could bomb Sheridan all the way up (except for between Tower and Scott).

Here is Chris's Sheridan map from 1.0.

It might need some tweaking (I just read through the Ride to Milwaukee(Milwaukee 1.0) thread) due to bikes banned on Sheridan in Lake Bluff, but it's definitely tweakable.

Jared said:
We took the Robert McClory Path into Wisconsin and then headed west at Rt. K and then north at Rt. H. At least that's how I remember going. We took Sheridan from Evanston to Highland Park or thereabouts and then the bike path into Wisconsin.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
How did you all go on 3.0? Sheridan/Rt 32?

Jared said:
Any idea what route we'll take? I did the 3.0 ride but would prefer a change of scenery for this one.
Assuming nothing comes up, I'm totally in! Although, I'll probably camp out at my Aunt's house instead of the hotel and brewery tour, either ride back or take the train with you guys!
This has been added to the calender - RSVP if you want to get in on the hotel share option.
Jared - whichever route the group decides is the route we'll take. It's all about relaxing as far as I'm concerned. I vote the path to rt K,H, but we can take the "industrial" route if that's what everyone wants.

Ashley said:
Assuming nothing comes up, I'm totally in! Although, I'll probably camp out at my Aunt's house instead of the hotel and brewery tour, either ride back or take the train with you guys!
I'm looking forward to doing a long ride and having a real bed to sleep in this time!
All green pup-tented out, Carly?

Carlysle John said:
I'm looking forward to doing a long ride and having a real bed to sleep in this time!
Having just done this trip last week, I highly recommend setting up a tour with Brew City Bike Tours:
This is my recomemnded route to get to Milwaukee fast, based on the last trip:


Cutting out west early shoud save heaps of time because of all the bullshit you miss.

The scenic route is pretty scenic (especially Kenosha and Racine), but in October it will be dark by the time you get there!
MAN - IM the one thats tired of that damn tent!

Carlysle John said:
I'm looking forward to doing a long ride and having a real bed to sleep in this time!
As soon as you have some idea of when you all expect to fget to the Palomino, can you let me know so that I can pass it on to the Milwaukee by Bike Group so that we can meet. I'm in both groups.
Hey Barry -
That would be great to meet some Milwaukee riders and have them show us around a bit maybe.
We are leaving at 7:00 a.m. and are going to be traveling at a "chill" pace (15-18 mph) with a lunch stop. ETA 3-4 p.m. depending on flats/rain etc.
Maybe we could exchange cel numbers to coordinate?

Barry Niel Stuart said:
As soon as you have some idea of when you all expect to fget to the Palomino, can you let me know so that I can pass it on to the Milwaukee by Bike Group so that we can meet. I'm in both groups.


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