The Chainlink

It's coming again this saturday, I posted an event listing in the calender section.

Who's going? Word has it, no crazy off road stuff so sound systems are encouraged!!


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I really really want to do this ride. I hope we get good weather this weekend
I am going and I am going to try to bring my girl along I just need to fix her bike.
I'm thinking about it...
I'm in ;-)
out of town, searching for snowy conditions in the north, and drinking beer in the land it was brewed - i'll be thinking of the marauders
There's a high probability that I will be there. +1
For those of you who haven't come on the ride before, it's always a good idea to check your calendar to see what you have to do the next day. As for me, I got nothing till 3 on Sunday, so I'm least till 3 or 4am.
(Even if you have something early, you should come and just suffer through Sunday.)

(I say we hijack the ride and go down south...maybe along 51st street near Greenwood...)
I fully intend on being there. The weather does not daunt me. I do have to work the next day, but not until ten or eleven in the morning.
It is not like I sleep all that much anyway.

The October ride was my first MM ride and I enjoyed it very much.

who knows? perhaps we will find another shoeless girl stumbling dazed and confused through the streets again?
Oh lord I hope not! No crazy, drugged people other than our own! ;-)
The September ride was one of the best nights of my life, srsly. Sorry I missed Oct, but yes will try to make this Nov ride. Thanks for the reminder!
I have to work at noon, but I am always working, the suffering is worth it.,

evanK said:
For those of you who haven't come on the ride before, it's always a good idea to check your calendar to see what you have to do the next day. As for me, I got nothing till 3 on Sunday, so I'm least till 3 or 4am.
(Even if you have something early, you should come and just suffer through Sunday.)

(I say we hijack the ride and go down south...maybe along 51st street near Greenwood...)
OOOH How I wish I could make it....was really hoping to make this one last right, since I'm not sure I'm hard core enough to endure a winter ride (we'll see) I'll be in solitary working on my thesis....4 weeks 'til graduation (crunch time) You guys have fun for me!


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