It's coming again this saturday, I posted an event listing in the calender section.

Who's going? Word has it, no crazy off road stuff so sound systems are encouraged!!


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the cravings ive had for golden nugget have yet to subside because of it.
A group of us ended up at Duks...Sadly I had no cash, so my cravings lie there.
This was a great ride. Kids have awesome playgrounds these days. I had no crash either so I couldnt enjoy an .89 hamburger.
I lucked out with 3 dollars left to my name. damn economy.
fun ride, glad i came out. rock! martin + audi, made the night. but the swings were fun too.
Yeah, I can play Martin just lazily rolling into the audi over and over in my head...So Good! ;-)
Where are the cameras when you need them? I am reminded of something an old racing buddy once told me. "If you don't crash once in a while, you just aren't going fast enough", or aren't drunk enough says I.
Hope to see everyone in costume tonight! Don't let Martin have a say in your apparel :-)
There are a couple of spots where it won't be trailer friendly this time so know that ahead of time! ;-)
Looks like the weather will be around 40 Degrees but no rain till around 7am on Sunday :)
This month there will be some, ah, off road sections. Weather looks to be going our way as long as we get home before sunrise. Hope to see everyone out there-in some kind of costume. If we need to we are going to one of the homeless camps and trade them beer for thier rags, and make costumeless people wear those.
Cheers, Martin
I want to look like a homeless person...wait


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