It is time this Saturday for the Midnight Marauders 4th annual Subterranean Ride. This has been the most popular ride we have put on since its inception. Basically it is a tour of the underground, and sub street level roads, oddities, attractions, and distractions in the down town area. For first timers, it will be a chance to see places that you probably never would, and for veterans, yet another chance to figure out “Where the hell did we go?” There will be some exciting new twists this year if we can pull them off, so even veterans will experience some new things.

For those unaware, there is a labyrinth of streets, tunnels and service roads under the city that only people that work there normally see, but this month Marauders get too as well.

We will meet at the traditional location, the Billy Goat Tavern, 430 N. Michigan Av(lowerlevel), at 11pm, August the 21st. It is located at the intersection of Hubbard, and Lower Michigan Av., if you cant find it go downstairs. There will be a couple rougher sections on the ride, but any serviceable bike should work.

This is not a trailer friendly ride, unless it is a single wheel jobbie.


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Once again, that was super fun! Thanks Martin for leading us through that crazy maze downtown, even though the group was a little unruly. I would have stayed to watch the sunrise, but somehow having whiskey as my only sustenance for the night made me incredibly unable to cope with the lack of taco breaks along the way. Thanks to the folks who joined me in heading back to the north side (bitchez!) - I was too hungry to take my time getting home though.

If you said hello and I didn't remember your name from last time, don't take it personally! So many new faces, and not enough time to cement you in my mind. Please say howdy if I bump into you out on the town! Looking forward to next month!
Was that you that took off when the 5 am-ish northside crew left?

here is another one of Mr. Sleepy McNapperson.

Ryan said:

This is my favorite. We hadn't even made it out of the gate yet and Mr. Sleepy McNapperson was already crashed.
Yep... that were me. I was kind of chilly and very hungry!

Gabe said:
Was that you that took off when the 5 am-ish northside crew left?
If it was people 'acting a foo' then yes, that was us.

Vando said:
A lady on the bus this morning was talking to her friend about "a bunch of people drinking, acting a foo and riding they bikes downtown last night".

Had to be you guys, right? Sounds like it was a blast!
Yeah we were goin slow but we were headed for food! ;-) S&G's!!! ;-)

Ruby Red said:
Yep... that were me. I was kind of chilly and very hungry!

Gabe said:
Was that you that took off when the 5 am-ish northside crew left?
last nights ride was the most chaotic I have been on in a long time. I guess that's what happens when ya have that many people on such a complicated route. I'm glad things eventually got back on track but I'm still a little perturbed with how some things played out. Rest assured we will fix the hiccups and make sure all the B.S. from last night doesn't happen again. Other than that it was a good time as always. I made it home without any mysterious blood on my clothes, no new dents on my bike and I didn't get stung in the penis by a swarm of bees. Eventually I passed out around 8:30 with a belly full of hash & eggs, a Marauders tradition in this household. Good Times! I'm starting to download the footage from my helmet cam. Hopefully I got some good stuff :)

On a side note: people really need to come prepared and not only bring extra tubes and patch kits but for &%#@%$ sake everyone should know how to repair a their own flat. We had too many people last night with flats who got stranded, completely helpless. That shit shouldn't happen :(
That's what happens on huge rides with people who aren't regular cyclists. I'm thinking winter...does anyone have Halloween ride thoughts in their head aside from me?
Ha! yeah i was thinkin "don't tell people about the Halloween Ride" ;-)
I think when we get too big we need to break into separate groups, each with it's own leaders and trailers and all meet at the stops and then take off in waves again.

I was bummed because people were saying there would be no stops so I drank and gave away my beer before we left the Goat. I steadily got more sober as everyone else got more drunk. I could have done with half the stops and twice the beer!

For Halloween we could also meet centrally and then take groups North, West and South etc...

Last night was a great time... But I found that a ride is not the time to meet people. If anyone is in Andersonville/Edgewater hit me up and we can do some rides etc..
usually smaller rides like Marauders and FBC or the smaller neighborhood masses are great places to meet new people. The problem is that last nights ride was so large it lost that feel.

It seemed much more like a critical mass ride to me, which is one step away from chaos. Good job to Martin for not going crazy and also for managing a ride that large over a course so tough to navigate.

This is starting to give the L.A.T.E. ride a run for its money

Chicago's Midnight Marauders Subterranean Ride from Aaron Bussey on Vimeo.

That was a tough one last night, Martin. Thanks for wrangling all of us as well as you and the rest of the radio folks did. Looking for forward to next months!


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