It is time this Saturday for the Midnight Marauders 4th annual Subterranean Ride. This has been the most popular ride we have put on since its inception. Basically it is a tour of the underground, and sub street level roads, oddities, attractions, and distractions in the down town area. For first timers, it will be a chance to see places that you probably never would, and for veterans, yet another chance to figure out “Where the hell did we go?” There will be some exciting new twists this year if we can pull them off, so even veterans will experience some new things.

For those unaware, there is a labyrinth of streets, tunnels and service roads under the city that only people that work there normally see, but this month Marauders get too as well.

We will meet at the traditional location, the Billy Goat Tavern, 430 N. Michigan Av(lowerlevel), at 11pm, August the 21st. It is located at the intersection of Hubbard, and Lower Michigan Av., if you cant find it go downstairs. There will be a couple rougher sections on the ride, but any serviceable bike should work.

This is not a trailer friendly ride, unless it is a single wheel jobbie.


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and it was worth every penny

Gabe said:
HA! ;-) You can't lie to me sir I've seen your group and your pics! ;-) I paid good money for those!
==>Can you<==
Ok I need an honest response on this. How crazy will this ride be? Should I attempt to bring the penny farthing out with the hard wheels or is the road condition to gnarly for that? I have ridden this bike on bike the drive and many masses. I ride regularly through pretty congested areas on the lake front path and around town. I will be at sula fest and the free geek bbq earlier in the day and just want to know if I should ride a more sensible bike but I am up for the challenge.
A penny farthing would be the absolute worst thing you could ride on this adventure; however, if you do and you make it to the end alive, I sir will buy you all the beer and women a man would ever need and then some; because you will be a King among men!
Steve, don't do it. We usually have some amount of off roading. Stopping, starting, and times when we seek to be less visible. Tough to do if you are 4 feet above the rest of us. Standard issue bike better plan.

Lee, I never said it wasn't the best money i ever spent. I'm just sayin don't pretend like i'm your first. Howard already tried that. ;-)
Don't listen to this guy. Drunk Steve is full of bad ideas. He also hid my keys and ate all of the doritos.

steve rulz said:
Ok I need an honest response on this. How crazy will this ride be? Should I attempt to bring the penny farthing out with the hard wheels or is the road condition to gnarly for that? I have ridden this bike on bike the drive and many masses. I ride regularly through pretty congested areas on the lake front path and around town. I will be at sula fest and the free geek bbq earlier in the day and just want to know if I should ride a more sensible bike but I am up for the challenge.
I cannot wait. So good.
HMM How off road is this ride? Can I roll on 700x23s?
No problem on those tires XV

just look out for the pot holes

XV said:
HMM How off road is this ride? Can I roll on 700x23s?
Here's what I know. There will not be any off-roading per-se, unless you count rolling your bike through a little sand or grass at a stop. There is at least one high curb with no curb cut; so while you could bring a penny farthing you will need to be prepared to dismount here and there. Marauders rides generally try to keep people from falling off the back so it's not like you'll find yourself ditched if you need an extra minute to negotiate a curb (well, let's just say it's not likely-- it is possible to get ditched on a MM ride).
Fixies with thin tires, absolutely no problem.
The real challenge with something like a penny farthing is the other bikes-- people's handling skills tend to start off questionable and deteriorate with every 'hydration' stop on MM rides . . .
I rode my Fixed 700x23c on the pre-ride without any issues; however, there are a few really steep inclines and declines to deal with. There is also a lot of construction going on down there so be prepared, bring extra tubes and a patch kit just in case. I also HIGHLY RECOMMEND some type of beverage holder. I dropped my first beer on the pre-ride after almost eating it on some loose sand and I'm still bitter about it. I'll have my Joe 2 Go hooked up to my bars for sure Saturday night :)


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