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i can relate, actually.

Back in the early 70's as a bike shop mech, the bikes i really wanted were beyond my income means. Nowadays a lot of these same bikes are being turned out of garages and attics and occasionally can be got for a good price.

Kinda as George Burns once said, "i liked 18 year old girls when i was 18, why can't i still like them now?"
(i think he was about 90 when he said this... sort of creepy if you think too much about it.)

But, i liked Frejuses and Peugeots and Paramounts in '72. Why can't i still like them now?

Moc Artsy said:
The article neglects the sub-phenomenon of middle-aged dudes who--instead of buying vintage European sports cars or American muscle cars--acquire small fleets of vintage, steel-frame road racers and then carefully restore and rebuild them with period-specific components. Not that anyone on the Chainlink would spend time and money on that.

You think this article still holds true?


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